Drank about 2 ounces of castor oil at 6! Nothing yet... I'm 3 1/2 cm dilated, 80% effaced & losing my mucous plug. Any mommies have success stories with this method?!
@momto4 - oh gosh...I could barley do two! It doesn't taste bad just a bad texture but I mixed mine with rootbeer. But ill maybe try the rest of the bottle if it doesn't work!
@bettymomma - oh man I'm sorry! My doctor told me to try anything lol he says she's ready..but I'm not looking forward to the time on the toilet haha
@Mommyy2be: I know! I felt the same way! But all castor oil did was give me contractions! Really really bad ones! She just wasn't ready. & I'm due in 7 days! I'm just waiting on her now...
Sorry! @mommyy2be - Um 3 1/2 hours to really start working. But I mixed mine with rootbeer so I think it diluted the oil a little? I only went to the bathroom twice but I had horrible contractions
I want to try it! but I heard it causes your baby to stress & could cause bby to have bile movement while still in the womb.. ??? iwas told to try it with orange juice, i soooo want to do it tho
@new_mommy9_21 - I couldn't imagine doing it with orange juice lol try it with something you don't mind giving up...I can't look at rootbeer the same right now lol
@tlj2011 - how?! I did 2 oz I couldn't imagine the whole 4oz! But I guess that's why it only worked a little for me
Trust me its hard to do. And the bowel movement in utero thing is not true it just pure coincedence that it happens to some people. Your body never actually absorbs the castor oil.
@bettymomma - oh man
@mommyy2be I bought it at dollar general
@tlj2011 - how?! I did 2 oz I couldn't imagine the whole 4oz! But I guess that's why it only worked a little for me