Stop telling me to get an epidural!!

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against people getting them. Hell i might even end up with getting one but I really don't need everyone and their mother telling me I need to get one. When I was in the hospital friday the nurse was doing an iv. It hurt and freaked me out cause 1i don't like needles. 2 it felt like she was rummaging around in my hand. She ended up having 2 stock me twice before she could get it to work. So yes I freaked just a bit. Well on her way out she told me I should get an epidural since I can't deal with pain very well. I told her I don't plan on getting one.that I can deal with pain but I can't deal with needles being moved around in my skin.she said she wasn't moving (i know she was) and again recommended me getting an epi on get way out the door.
Mil told me I was being dumb for not wanting one. Not a single person has said,"oh its tough but I think you can do it." Or anything like that. This is my decision! If I end up getting one fine! But I at least want to know and have that life experience on whether I can do it or not. Stop trying to pressure me and scare me into getting one people!!

Sorry really needed to get it off my chest before i explode at the next person that tells me I need too get one.


  • U dont need one. This is my first child but my sis did it wit my nephew. She jus had the iv. She said it wasn't bad it only really hurt when his head came out so u can do it. Not everyone needs an epi an as far as the lady movin the needle around I hate that crap. I have no idea y the do that. Jus try another vein dammit!
  • U should get jk :) im getting one cuz I cant stand pain down there. I wont even let my bf finger in thete tmi lol I know its gonna be tough but not impossible next time someone tells u that respond with this, "noo YOU should get an epidural" lol
  • I personally love the epi. I had it with my son and spinal with my daughter due to emergency c section. My aunt had 2 of her kids all natural and the epi with one. She said that the overall experience is much better without it and advises people to at least try going natural. I think it can be a great thing and I applaud the women that do go natural I'm just too big of a wuss! If you want to go natural go for it, you can always get the epi later but once you get it you can't take it back! Good luck hun! Us women can so anything we set our minds to that's why the good lord gave us the precious gift of child birth and not the men;)
  • Its like really people! I know its going to be painful. I'm not expecting daisies and butterflies! I'm pushing out a child not a feather or something. If I can't do it I can't do it. I at least want to try and know If I can or not ya know.
  • I agree bd and my mom support me 100% with wanting to go natural but other ppl keep saying 'ask for all the drugs you can get' and 'no ones gonna pat you on the back or gives you a reward for taking the extra pain' (bd will if not I can pat my own back' but I really wanna do it on my own I feel confident about it I just want them to stop telling me what to do I am an adult
  • Oh I'm convinced if men had to do the pregnancy the human race would have never populated lol. @second_time_mommy7
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  • With my first everyone told me I would get one. Well I proved them wrong because I had my daughter all natural. With my son he was breech. I needed a csection so I had a spinal.
  • Maybe the nurse wasn't moving the needle... some ppls gains roll, so it might had felt that way.. or if I have small vains, ask for a smaller gage needle... some females have to use baby needles...

    I give u kuddos for trying a reg birth tho!
  • Do what's best for you that's all that matters. Its your labor your birth. Just say as nice as possible it's my freaking body my baby I will do as I damn well please if I wanna feel pain and get it over with quick it is my choice epi sometimes makes labor last longer
  • You can do it! Good luck with your natural birth sorry to hear they are pushing the epi so hard. Maybe druged out women are easyer to deal with. Stay strong do what is right for you mommas! I will not be having one this time last time I could feel to push and they had to use a vacumn I don't think they would of needed it if I didn't have the epi.
  • edited August 2011
    Dont let anyone force u to do something or make you feel guilty about getting an epi. I personally don't think I could because I have a terrible.pain tolerance. So MAJOR KUDOS to the women that op and actually go through a natural birth. My friend had an all natural birth and said that it was the best thing. Yeah it hurt like hell but she said that it makes you feel so proud of yourself and being able to walk as soon as you give birth is great. She go with her son to the nursery to see him get all his bloodwork and first shot right after she gave.birth. I had a csection so I needed it but like I said I couldn't do it. :) good luck and im sure you will do great!
  • edited August 2011
    I had my first naturally and i hope and pray I will b able to do the same with this one. U wud think ppl wud b encouraging u instead of assuming u wnt b able to handle the pain.
    I jus want a healthy baby whichever pay possible but am try my darnest to go all the way without an epi. Otherwise I'll feel like I cheated.. lol. Its like winning the race but gettin gettin help to the finish line!!
  • People are stupid! I have no idea if i can cope with the pain of childbirth but the thought of Needles is worse for me so epi is my back up plan- gotta give it a try natural tho!
  • I plan on natural as well, everyone kept telling me I'm an idiot for it but I'm sticking to my guns! If I can't take it I'll make them give me one! Well if I can I'll rub it in ppls faces :P
  • I say go for it! I wait as long as I could until the pain was unbearable before my sister pressed the button and requested one... Its like evryone in the room knew. I got it right at 5cm and I was having a contraction when they gave it to me but I probably couldve went without it cause after that a hour later she was here. Good luck!
  • Mama you can do it!! I know how you ste feeling. I tell those people that my great grandma, grandma, and mother as well as everyone else before epidural was around did it and that I want to do it too. I wrote a list of all things negative about epidural as well as a list of positive affirmations about my strength to have at the hospital. And if your nurse doesn't agree with you, ask for a different nurse.
  • i hope to go natural too, my thoughts are that all the women in the world who don't have access to pain relief are proof that you can do it, i think a lot of it is about what you tell yourself mentally anyway. however i'm not ruling out an epi if i need it, but i want to try without for as long as i can stand! good luck :)

    and @Mpmommy i think that list is a good idea, i should do that too!
  • You can do it!!! If ya got the right mentality I say go for it ;) I don't want one either but I'm required to because I'm having twins..crazy but understandable. My grandmothers had all of theirs natural...a total of 11 children between the two! good luck!! :)
  • U can do,it women wernt designed to require epidurals during labour infact we make our own pain killers. I've had 3 kids first at 19 with no epi 8lb 11, 2nd only gas for 2 puffs 8lb 1.5 3rd not a single drug 10lb 12 im 5 ft3 anyway anything is possible all the best ps ppl are all opinionated n just want to make themselves feel good
  • Good for you @rckprincess2 its your body your birth & your choice & people should respect that.
  • I agree. It's annoying when previous mothers tells u to get 1! The ONLY people who have told me that they think I don't need one & that I can handle the pain are my Mom & my cousin. EVERYONE ELSE is telling me to get it. I'm on track with you, not planning to get one, but keeping an open mind to do so if it does get too much for me. :-)
  • I wanted to go all natural and I had an awesome support team that told me I could do it!
    After 30hrs of labor my dr pretty much made me get one due to the fact I wasnt progressing because my contractions were so bad..

    If you want to go all natural I believe you can do it! Just dont feel bad if you end up needing one!! Its a tuff thing but I think it would be worth it to try!

    I know this time around im going to try for all natural again!
  • Dont do it iknow you'll get through it ever since my epi iget lower back pains baaaaad, iwanted to do it natural but iwas in labor for 11 hours &nd didnt dialate not 1 cm but everyones diffrent.
    G O O D L U C K!
  • That's exactly how I feel...nobody has told me I should get an epi, but I really wanna try & go natural...if I can't, I can't...but at least I know I tried!! Good luck 2u!!
  • I know how you feel i've had so many people tell me i was crazy because I don't want one either. The only one who is supportive is my mom who had 7 natural births the 8th ended her in a csection.
  • My mom said the same with all those scary medicated births I've been told. I'll be damned if I get an epidural. GIVE ME PAIN!!!!
  • You can do it! Just remember ladies, when you get to that point where you think you can't take it anymore & start saying things like, "I can't do this" then its usually almost over. :)
  • If it was me that'd make me want one even less! You can do it! Let us know how it goes.
  • @rckprincess2 I hate hearing that too!!!! That and being asked when my induction date, I am going to try to do this as natural as I can thank you very much! You can do it!!!!!!!
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