Not necessarily. How long did they search for. I had an internal scan at 6 weeks and it took about 45 mins and eventually they found a heartbeat buy they were about to.give up. They told me that at 6 weeks its really hard to find. Have they done your bloods? X
Didnt you say the baby was measuring at 5wks yesterday? If so, it would be too early to pick up a heartbeat. I went last week at 6 wks 2 days and they picked up heartbeat right away. But baby was also measuring 3 days big. And everyone is different. Best of luck to you.
Tracking your progesterone or hcg levels will be the best way to tell. Are they doing blood tests? I have to go again Mon, my 3rd time checking levels...and maybe again if they're not falling fast enough. Yours should be rising good luck babe!! Request blood tests if they aren't running them! Xoxo I'm here if you need me!! :X
They didn't give me an exact date but the ultra sound has crl:0.36cm gest age 6w0d. He didn't wanna do blood test. I even asked several times. He and the tech were pretty determined it was a lost cause. Just the vibe I got.
She searched for maybe 15 mins. She also too pictures of my ovaries. She couldn't see my left one. Said it was hidden behind something. What's that mean? Anyone know?
They didnt find my babies heart beat until I was 19 weeks the midwife gave up after 5 minutes and told me to wait until the next scan which was scary because I lost 2 before I am now 33 weeks if they thought you was losing it they would of made you keep going up there every two days for blood tests. I was only 4 weeks the second baby I lost. Just try not to worry thats the hardest part
I Had my appointment at 5 weeks 6 days, and couldn't find heartbeat. Yur babys heartbeat is not to be found till around 10-11 weeks! Yur way to early. But some people Are different!
Yours should be rising