7 lbs in 4 Weeks : (
So, I went to my 28 week check up and found out that I gained 7 lbs since my last check up! I'm so surprised because my eating habits haven't changed. So I'm now at a total weight gain of 14 lbs. Anyone else have a weight gain like that? And how much have you guys gained now?
Also 14lbs for being 28weeks isn't bad! The healthy weight gain is 11-16lbs by the end of the 2nd trimester!!
@kristaf22 Did you even notice the 8 lbs you gained? Because to me I don't look no bigger. lol
@marabel Wow. You were so tiny. I started off at 132 but I'm sure you will lose it all.
@eaparker You did really good the first 37 weeks & are you having swelling all over?
@pnsw524 I hope it's all the baby growing! lol
@nameless That isn't that bad. I rather gained 4lbs for the whole month instead of 7lbs.
@Soon2BMomOf2under2 Really. I didn't gain too much from 17-20 weeks. But I completely believe you on 27-30 weeks ; )
@kcike812 You are doing good. My goal is no more than 35 lbs but you are almost done. So I wouldn't worry at all.
@MommySierra Did it surprise you when you found out? Because I really don't feel like I look bigger?
@sunshinelove Really. Can you see the weight that you put on or is it not noticealbe? And when are you due?
@Steph_Due_101611 How many weeks are you? And how much weight have you gained all together?
@charlotteb Thanks. You made me feel good but I know that I'm really gonna start growing now that I'm in the last trimester. And that's really good because you are almost done. Are you having a different gender from your last pregnacy?
But you really will be surprised post delivery how fast the first part comes off, between the baby, placenta, fluids and living on hospital food for a few days I lost about 20lbs within days of delivery first time round
oh but in total I've gain 25 lbs Im35+6wks
w/my first pregnancy I put 60 lbs