7 lbs in 4 Weeks : (

edited August 2011 in November 2011
So, I went to my 28 week check up and found out that I gained 7 lbs since my last check up! I'm so surprised because my eating habits haven't changed. So I'm now at a total weight gain of 14 lbs. Anyone else have a weight gain like that? And how much have you guys gained now?


  • Me! I gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks when I went for my 32 week check up this Monday, in total I've gained 33 pounds... I use to weigh 100:(
  • Girl don't stress. With my 1st I gained 5lbs in one week without changing my eating habits! When it comes on for no reason its usually because the baby has grown!! :)

    Also 14lbs for being 28weeks isn't bad! The healthy weight gain is 11-16lbs by the end of the 2nd trimester!!
  • edited August 2011
    It's pretty normal. Babies have a major growth spurt between 17-20 weeks and 27-30 weeks. No worries, Momma! I'm 30+4 and up 15 lbs, but, I gained 7 lbs between 17-20 weeks and 6 lbs between 27-29 weeks.
  • I gained 6 lbs in one week this week. I was beyond shocked! It's put my total weight gain at35 lbs and I'm 36 weeks. Yikes!!!!
  • I gain 4 lbs in 2wks!
  • I only gained 9 pounds the first 37 weeks then at my 38 week apt i gained 9 pounds! Dr said most of it was swelling but geeze i doubled my weight gain in 1 week.
  • I as well have done 7 in 4wks I have gained 26lbs now eeek but I know it's for my little girl I'm 27 weeks btw
  • Pft! I'm gaining anywhere between 3-5 lbs a WEEK! On a low fat, low carb diet! I started at 135 and I will hit at least 200lbs by the time I deliver!
  • I've gained 60 lbs
  • I've been gaining 2lbs a week for the past 7wks or so
  • U haven't gained that much, I'm extatic cuz I have only gained 28 and I'm 36 weeks. But at this point with my last one, I had gained almost 50.
  • Thanks Ladies. You all made me feel so much better :)

    @kristaf22 Did you even notice the 8 lbs you gained? Because to me I don't look no bigger. lol

    @marabel Wow. You were so tiny. I started off at 132 but I'm sure you will lose it all.

    @eaparker You did really good the first 37 weeks & are you having swelling all over?

    @pnsw524 I hope it's all the baby growing! lol

    @nameless That isn't that bad. I rather gained 4lbs for the whole month instead of 7lbs.

    @Soon2BMomOf2under2 Really. I didn't gain too much from 17-20 weeks. But I completely believe you on 27-30 weeks ; )

    @kcike812 You are doing good. My goal is no more than 35 lbs but you are almost done. So I wouldn't worry at all.

    @MommySierra Did it surprise you when you found out? Because I really don't feel like I look bigger?

    @sunshinelove Really. Can you see the weight that you put on or is it not noticealbe? And when are you due?

    @Steph_Due_101611 How many weeks are you? And how much weight have you gained all together?

    @charlotteb Thanks. You made me feel good but I know that I'm really gonna start growing now that I'm in the last trimester. And that's really good because you are almost done. Are you having a different gender from your last pregnacy?
  • Im in Australian so working on kilos i have gained 10kg between week 16 and 32... Converting that to pounds its 22... That sounds way worse lol but im hoping to gain no more than another 10lbs this pregnancy or it will be hard to loose like it was with my first pregnancy...
    But you really will be surprised post delivery how fast the first part comes off, between the baby, placenta, fluids and living on hospital food for a few days I lost about 20lbs within days of delivery first time round
  • @lovebeingmommy i thought it was mostly my hands and feet but my dear mil informed me my face looked puffy!
  • edited August 2011
    that's in 2 wks..meaning 8 lbs-4 wks... its a pound more then you :O

    oh but in total I've gain 25 lbs Im35+6wks
    w/my first pregnancy I put 60 lbs
  • Im 32 wks and i didn't start gainging til 6wks ago so 12lbs all together.
  • Can't see the weight gain at all actually, I'm all belly! I'm expected to lose about 50 lbs the day I deliver cuz its all baby n junk! Well and boob! I went from an A to a D!
  • @ my 29 week check up I had gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks. Then 2 weeks later I was only up one lb. I'm 33 weeks and so far I've gained 30 lbs.
  • I had a big jump too. I have 7 weeks left and gained 25 pounds. A little freaked out but doc says its ok.
  • I have gained 21 pounds and I am 26 weeks
  • I have only gained one lb and I am 30 weeks. I was 133 pre pregnancy now I'm 134 as of Mon. Although I still am puking every now and again and I have such bad acid reflux I don't want to eat.
  • I gain 6 lbs in 3 weeks then it happened again 3 weeks later! I think it happens! I've gained 15-20 n have ten weeks left
  • I just gained 7 lbs this last month... I was doing great until literally two days before my appointment it just came out of nowhere!!! My doctor didnt say anything about it lol I guess us preglys have our good months and our bad months! This whole pregnacy thing can be quite stressful!
  • I gained 8lbs in 3 wks. and that makes a total of 18lbs and I'm 26w3d.
  • 29 weeks IV gained 15lbs
  • Yeah I know I weighed myself and was counting I was like 7!!!WTF I'm not looking substancially bigger??
  • At my 28 week check up I was told I've gained 10 pounds in one month. Now they want me to see a dietician ..like wtf do they expect me to gain no weight I dnt even eat excessively or unhealthy ..sheesh I'm almost 8 months preggo!..I've gained about 18 pounds total ..I'm29+5
  • This is my 3rd boy. But it was hot as heck this time, didn't have much appetite. People have to make me eat cuz I'm so hot all the time that nothing sounds good.
  • @Mommy2b1111 tell them to f-off. That isn't bad at all. Unless u gained more than 4 lbs n a week there isn't any reason to worry. That kind of weight gain could b a signal of pre-eclampsia. And its usually water retention, not diet. It was prolly just ur spurt. Most of is have one.
  • I gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks at my appointment today I'm 31+3 and before this one I had only gained 2 pounds. I felt that I was bigger though
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