how many weeks post partum did your period come back??
My midwife told me to start taking the pill before I get my first period, but Idk when to expect it?? I'm 3wks postpartum and I still have very very light brown lochia, but hardly at all. So when did your period start? Oh and I wanna start the pill soon because I protected when I'm ready to have sex again. ( which is now but I'm still scared lol)
@bahamamama4828 thanks I'm gonna check that out!
@Bahamamama4828 I heard that breastfeeding could be used as birth control, but ever since I saw an episode of "I didn't know I was pregnant" where the girl got prego that way, it makes me nervous lol
@dreamaria yikes that sounds awful!!
@dra765 what is the mini pill? And why does it suck? My midwife gave me a script for a low hormone pill but Idk what kind it is
@mommyoftwoprincesses yea my hospital says the same. It's in all bold caps in the postpartum handbook lol