I just got one not belly bandit I dont want to spend 50-60$ on something I will only use a few weeks.. So I got a tummy trimmer by tone.. Specificly for loosing wAter weight.. And to pull the jello u have for the first 5-8.wks post partum
I got the belly bandt and tried it with my son, it was the bamboo one I believe... It freaking sucked! It was a waste of money, I have a very thin waist and big hips so it kept rolling and bunching up together...ended up with spanx, they worked great.
Im sorry mamas but stupid question here what is a belly bandit or spanx? I keep hearing about them but don't know.what they are exactly and what they do?
@QueenBeeDarling belly bandit is suppose to help you get your shape back after you have ur baby like you stomach area.... Spanx are like a body shaper but I guess would help get ur shape back too since its like super tight a bunch of celebrities wear spanx
Belly bandit I think u have to order online they have a website bellybandit.com and idk where u can get spanx at like store wise but I'm sure u can get them online....she's no prob
It freaking sucked! It was a waste of money, I have a very thin waist and big hips so it kept rolling and bunching up together...ended up with spanx, they worked great.