Wow. Due to our household income we do not qualify for wic. We struggle as it is and both me and my aunt are pregnant. I plan on breastfeeding, but my aunt can't. Its impossible for her due to her entire body being burned. She has no breasts. We might have to check into craigslist for free formula. We accept free stuff. Sometimes when you don't have money you take what your offered.
@betty@steph_due_101611 you should sign up for similac or enfamil which ever baby uses. So you can receive coupons just in case you need to buy. But I understand being on a very tight budget. My BD is the only one working, and theyre cutting his hours at work so we are barely making it now. Anyway, I have a $5 off check thing for similac. If any of you want it its yours. i really dont want to throw it out but my daughter is on enfamil. I also have like 3 $3 off coupons for pampers. She uses Huggies. Inbox me. I will mail them to anyone that will use them.
If you go to wic and tell them that you don't have enough formula and that the 9 cans they give you ain't enough they will give you extra if anyone in your area gave back a few cans