Running short on formula... Anyone willing to sell mesome?

edited August 2011 in Food
Im running short every month on Similc Powered formula... Im willing to buy off of you. I will mail u a check or money order... Trust me!! I work as an educator and have been a loyal pregly momm since Jan.
Anybody interest in mking some cash ill buy some from you...
Please let me know??


  • You can find people selling formula on craigslist some times.
  • Can you get wic in your area?
  • if its an emergency.. i know there are food banks that offer it .. sometimes.. just saying..
  • Your drs office might be able to give you some for free. Are they sold out or something?
  • I only have a couple cans of enfamil infant that I do not use. If you want them I can send em...
  • Why not just buy your own? :/
  • Craigslist! I just got 6 free cans from someone on there.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm with @bke913 yeah not trying to sound rude but if you can buy it from people why can't you go but your own?? From the store?
  • Wouldn't the additional cost of shipping make it cheaper/easier to buy it from the store?
  • Are you already on wic and you surpassed your monthly amount?
  • Also if you sign up for Similac Strong Moms online they'll send you two decent size formula samples and like $20 in coupon. :) it takes a few weeks however to send it to you.
  • I wasn't trying to be rude or anything either, I just didn't understand why you want to buy it from someone on Pregly when you can buy it from the store. And like @blueberrysmommy said, after shipping costs, you're likely to spend about the same amount as you would in the store. I'm just confused I suppose... :(
  • I have enfamil 2 cans and 1 of similac.. the hospital gave them to me but I'm strictly breastfeeding. If you want them I can send then? Or if anyone else does.
  • Which one do u use my sister has 7 cans left that she's trying to sell
  • @bluberrysmom..@jay_brad.....@BkE913 Im struggling financially.. And I understand sometimes its better to buy it from store. But when your desperatly in need I look for better deals. And nooo I wouldnt pay reg price if bought buy others... I was just wanting to save money instead of store.bought...
    @Mrs4c.. Yes Im on WIC I only get 9 powerered Similac Advance formula but since shes drinking more It NOT lasting me thru the month...
    @caiti5....@reemama.... How sweet, but shes on Similac hun.... :-)
    @newmomma13....shes on Similac Advance Powered
    @rockinmomma...@serentysmommy.... Ill ck into that....

    @Everyone... THANKS!! :-)
  • If you wanted simulac sensitive stomach I had a ton I could give u.
  • Sams clubs has formula cheaper price btw that's where we buy ours. You get twice as much for 27.00
  • @kaleigh27... Awww hun... Shes on the blue can...& I will ck sams... do u know if Sams accepts coupons?
  • No problem and I know how it is... You can always also just buy the liquid its cheaper and it'll last just until thursday... If your baby will take it.
  • Awww man her baby was using the orange can wish I could help though
  • I have a unopened can of the simlac sensative for gas and fussiness and one of the similac advanced. I got ot in the mail because I eas on some mailing list. We arent going to use it anytime at all
  • @serenitysmommy...& @newmomma13...Thanks friends!! Ill find some sooner or later...
    @tryinghard19.... My baby is on Similac Advantage (blue powered can) inbox me... Ill buy it from u just tell me how much?
  • @Betty if u can last until da 1st wic will give it to u then instead of ur regular date.. and u can buy it with Foodstamps if u get it
  • Sam's doesn't take coupons:(
  • edited August 2011
    I have a friend that has a hole bunch I can see if I can get it off if him. You can also maybe get food stamps and you can buy formula with food stamps. Ill ask him for you I understand the feeling of struggling. BJ'S wholesale takes up to 4 yes 4 coupons on the same product as long as its different coupons. Idk where you all live at but im in Ohio and there's a bunch of BJ's here. There like Sam's.
  • I know a girl who was selling 4 cans for 40$ I can ask if she still has it
  • I inboxed you love
  • You.can also buy parents choice brand from walmart that is the samr nutrition value as similac adavance for half the price.
  • @Betty I have a bottle of Similac advance liquid formula. We got it free from the doctors office it's 1qt. It's yours if you want it. :)
  • I just need ur address and I can mail it to u
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