Think they should monitor from 40wks I went.only 5days over but maddy was 10lb12 n she got stuck I managed y To push her out but my body was screwed.after somehow no tearing but I couldnt feel to pee or breath when I stood up n if itwasnt 4 my husbandi wouldn't have been able to care for bub. maybe we.should dedicate more money monitoring n waiting n less money inducing n cutting ppl open
@bummy87 i know what u mean by not feeling when u need to pee.. I went 9 days over and gave birth. To a 9lb baby.. Im a v tiny girl he was too big for me and got stuck and was vontouse delivery.. He got in distress coz he cudnt get out x
To push her out but my body was screwed.after somehow no tearing but I couldnt feel to pee or breath when I stood up n if itwasnt 4 my husbandi wouldn't have been able to care for bub. maybe we.should dedicate more money monitoring n waiting n less money inducing n cutting ppl open