Cracked, sore, bloody nipples.. Pleaseeee help!

edited August 2011 in Breastfeeding
My little boy is a week old today and ive been strickly breastfeeding him. Hes giving me such bad sores and its extremely painful tol feed him! Ive read and fix his latch several times during a feeding and nothing seems to help. I feel like hes latched correctly. Has anyone ever took their baby off the breast to pump a few days inorder to let nipples heal? And will he still latch to me afterwards? I have the breastflow bottles and pump which is supose mimic breastfeeding really well. Anyone have advice for me?


  • Are you using the lashilon ointment on your nipples? It will help so much for the drying and cracking. Its also safe if its on your nipples and baby nurses. With my son after about a week after having him I went back to school and he did amazing going back and forth from bottle to breast.but ever baby is going to react differently.
  • Do you have a nipple shield that helps along with the ointment :)
  • That's how my nipples were I started using the ointment every time he feed and after a week all better. I still hurt to feed him for that week but now its no problem I been breast feeding 8 weeks and pumping
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  • Thanks for the advice everyone! I was rushed into my drs office yesterday with a fever of 103.6, & now I have mastitis. Its soo painful. He has me on antibiotics and wants me to strickly pump until it is healed. breastfeeding has been a rough on me and I don't want to give up! I was up every 2 hrs pumping to make sure im not drying up, but my milk supply is low. Ive been sleeping skin to skin with my little man to hopefully jump start milk production again. Does anyone have anymore advice?
  • Try pumping every 45 mins for 10 mins for a fee days, you can eat oatmeal, and drink loads of water @jenna218xx
  • You can always try taking fenugreek pills as well. They helped me when my production slowed with my first.
  • Thanks everyone! I will give pumping more often a try and the fenugreek pills!
  • Nipple shields saved my life!!
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