baby sleeping on belly - need tips

edited August 2011 in Parenting
So my six month old daughter keeps rolling on to her belly as soon as I lay her down.

She could be fast asleep but as soon as I lay her in her crib She rolls on to her belly. I keep putting her on her back but she rolls right over. I'm afraid that she will suffocate during the night. I know there are pads/monitors available to detect her breathing and I plan on getting one soon however I'm still stuck with her rolling over.

How do I keep her from rolling on to her belly overnight!?


  • I think six mnths okay, cuz they are capable of alot... Just buy u a bby monitor...
  • As long as baby is able to roll back and forth themself she should be fine. If she can't breathe she will move her face. Just make sure there are no pillows or stuffed animals in there with her .
  • If she can roll herself over then she is old enough to sleep on her tummy. There are those freak cases but for the most part the only worry is that they will not be able to lift their heads off the mattress if they can't breathe. Just keep the blankets out of the crib still.
  • @cupcake22 that's what I was thinking of doing but with how strong she is she either rolls over the blankets or wakes up or pulls them to her face to chew on them. The latter freaks me out the most because I keep waking up thinking that she will fall asleep with them over her face. =P~ but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has/had this problem, calms my nerves a bit. Thank-you!

    @Betty she currently sleeps in our bedroom so I don't think a monitor (minus the breathing alert one) will do much. I should of mentioned she was in our room, sorry for leaving out that information. Thanks for answering anyways. :)
  • @bigmamak and @myowndisaster23

    She still likes to be swaddled. Do you think that blanket would be an issue. She can break out of it if she wants to but she will not fall asleep unless she is swaddled. Other then that blanket and a cribsheet there is nothing in her bed. Its a thin blanket, I've tried removing it after she fell asleep but she just wakes up. Maybe just remove it after she falls asleep and let her fuss/cry?
  • No, swaddling blankets should be fine... she just pulls her arms out or kicks it off entirely? And they make some that are like a sleeping bag that's super tight and they just zip up. I bought done for my little girl cuz my son used to fight his blanket too.
  • Sorry everyone life was kind of crazy so I was off pregly for a bit.

    @myowndisaster23 With the blanket she would do both but like I said It's light weight. I've done the sleeping bags in the past and she loved it but I think because it got warm out she didn't want them, maybe now that the weather is cooler I can try them again. Thanks again for your help!
  • I was told not to swaddle a baby after 3months because doin so slows down the ability to control their arms & legs.
  • @starkrayzie That's good information to know, thanks; however, It's just overnight and seeing how She is already crawling, grabbing everything in sight, and pulling herself up to a stand at 6 1/2 months (proud bragging mama lol :))) I'm comfortable swaddling without her if she wants it.
  • I've been told once they r able to roll over on their own its ok for them to sleep on their tummy.
  • edited September 2011
    My little one has been sleeping on her tummy since 3 weeks. My doc said no but I didnt care what she said about that cause I need to be reasted and not cranky from lack of sleep. Shes now a healthy almost 3 month old

    Reasted= rested stupid phone wont let me click on that word
  • All 3 of my kids were stomach sleepers. If you put them on their backs they would scream & not stop. They're 5, 18m & 7wks.
  • She should be fine, she is strong enough to move herself and change position so I wouldn't stress about it.
    I was a stomach sleeper and so was all of my brothers and sisters and we're all alive and kicking.
    My mom just had us all sleep on our stomachs since during the time I was born they thought sleeping on the stomach prevented SIDs, and then for a while it was side sleeping and then back sleeping. So, my mom just kept all of her babies on their stomachs.
    I wouldn't stress but if you're really worried you can get that thing that goes in the crib that monitors their movements.
  • My now 5 year old was a tummy sleeper. When thier older like that its better. They have stronger necks and can turn thier heads when they need too.
  • My sons 4 months old and he rolls alot now, also in his sleep. Its scares me to death! I got one of the zip up bag like thing from the hospital so he stays on his back, but maybe two hours later he rolled in his sleep. Ugh. He's been sleeping in his swing.. Idk what to do either.
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