how far



  • Lil boy :-)
  • Wow u sure do have a while @Emmalouise.... But its a beautiful thing even though u get pain and sick....
  • 11 weeks today... @kingsmama, how did u find out the gender so soon?
  • 38 weeks and 6 days....being induced on tuesday
  • Twenty weeks...half way!
  • 21wks 4days...having a little girl:)
  • 28 weeks 2 day!!! Ready for Miss Juliana Marie to be here!!! I have a feeling she is gonna be early.
  • Im 26 weeks and 2 days wit a baby gurl :)
  • Ahhh I'm only 6w 5d I got such a long way to go!
  • edited February 2011
    23 weeks 6 days with a girl!!
  • 21 weeks with my third, and 3 days before I know what I'm having.
  • 25 weeks 3 days!
  • @dawnwaarsBaby I only found out I was preggers at 12w cuz I'm high risk. I have bloodclots and had multiple surgeries on my kidney really early in pregnancy. I had a nuchal translucency us done which is an us machine on steroids so it magnified the baby 25x bigger. They were testing for downs syndrome and abnormalities from the surgeries and such. And I figured I would ask the sex since it was magnified so much but wasn't expecting to get an answer since it could still be too soon...but she got into a position and there he was spread eagle with his peter and nuggets flashing the camera like "look mom just for u I'm a boy!" I'm getting genetic testing on Tuesday so they can confirm by dna 100% that its a boy :) being high risk does have some benefits cuz I get to see my baby so much via us tho!
  • Im 21 weeks today with a little girl :)
  • We r havin a lil boy and naming him Kasen Taylor
  • @Kingsmama, thanks for the info. I have my official us on the 3rd and my nuchal us on the 9th so I'm gonna ask too. The last time I had my vag. us my baby was in the spread eagle position too... hopefully it will be that way on the 9th... thanks again and happy prego...
  • I'm 22 weeks with a very active, kicking my guts all the time baby girl. Camilla Autumn will meet the world on July 2nd, or so they say. Which seems worlds away from now! :)
  • 13weeks today! So excited my second appointment it on Wednesday! :p
  • @dawnwaarsBaby how far along will u be when u get ur nuchal done? Cuz I thought it would still be too soon when I had mine done but u could distinctly see each testicle and his penis cuz he was magnified so much. I could see individual finger and toe digits too it was amazing! U will get tons of pics too and mine took about 45 mins which wasn't long enough cuz I could watch him all day. He was swallowing amniotic fluid then got the hiccups! I'll tell u now if u weren't really attached before from an us this will really really impact u. I was crying cuz of how detailed everything was even at such a young age. Msg me when u know how everything went and if u find out the sex and just ur overall experience with getting the nuchal. I hope its as good as mine was tho I go in for a cvs on Tuesday for the chromosomal testing. Better doing it sooner than later I didn't want to wait another month to get an amino done. Y r u getting a nuchal done if u don't mind me asking?
  • @kingsmama... I really appreciate all the good info and I am so looking forward to it. I just told my hub about it too and that we would probably be able to see the baby's sex... I really appreciate it. So, I'm 11 weeks today and will be 12 weeks when I get the nuchal and my doc recommended me because I'm 34. I'll be 34 when I deliver but I'm right on the borderline for age. I don't mind the testing though, I have already had 4 vaginal us since I found out I was prego... I wonder, while there doing the us, will I be able to see right then, or will I have to wait to get the photos? I will definitely keep u posted. I have my first formal us on Thursday. Good luck on your upcoming cvs testing too... please keep me posted... ok! And thank u!
  • 23 weeks tuesday im having a girl first pregnancy due june 29th n im sooooo ready to give birth n be un prego lol oh n her name is Jenavecia Grace
  • Im 34wks & 4dys :)!!! My first .its a bby boi <3
  • 4weeks n 4days
  • @dawnwaarsBaby they told me the sex of the baby while they did the us then she printed pics for me so family could see. Where I went they gave me the us results right then and there. They did bloodwork also. But my baby has a lol bit of extra fat on his neck but they don't thinks its downs syndrome. They think its from dad lol he's got a big dome and neck. And he's got a nasal bone which is a good sign cuz most babies w/out a nasal bone have downs. They just wanna make sure nothing is wrong and the genetics Dr feels he's 100% normal :) ill let u know how the test is but won't get final results til the 18th :(
  • @katemc Im from England! You? Hence timing of writing back! Lol..
  • To everyone... Ah its so exciting..!! Ican't wait to meet my little girl! People breast feeding or bottle?
  • 22wks 2moro with my first! We are having a girl, alyxis nevaeh :">
  • I keep going back and forth between breast feeding and bottle feeding, both have their pros and cons.
  • @Emmalouise I'm south Wales hun, but all boyfs family r from England. Where I .England r u?xxx
  • Norfolk! If you have ever heard of it @katemc.
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