A newborn and a toddler .. I just need to vent

Been a mom isnt an easy task, mostly when you have a toddler and a newborn, my daughter is 2 and is very energetic, im tired and sleepy :( my newborn sleeps in the day and decided that at night was a better time to be awake, so when I am done with the toddler , I start with the newborn.. Is there ever any break for me? My husband tries his best to help me out but he is all day at work :( , ugh it has only been a week and it feels like a really long time.. I need some rest :( , I feel like screamimg and I dont even have the strength to do that, I just want to sleep at least for 5 straight hours :( maybe even 4 ... :( ugh!!!!!! Ooook im done complaining :(


  • This is what scares me! I too have a lively 2 yr old and baby's coming soon! You can do it mama. Hang in there. Maybe daddy will let you have a long nap when he gets home from work?
  • i have a 16month old and will soon have a newborn.. i already know the adjustment will be tough.. all i can say is hang in there.. ill be joining you soon.. you will adjust and so will your baby.. it may take a few weeks or a month but it wont be like this forever..
  • edited September 2011
    Mine will be 20 months apart...what you just described is my greatest fear :( They say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...I fear this might just kill me ;) Hang in there! You know those first 6 months blow, so just count down the days!
  • I'm in the same boat. My 2 year old is very hyper and my newborn is up all night. It's been three weeks and I'm exhausted. My fiance can't help at night because I breastfeed him.
  • My last three are a year apart.. so at one point I had a 2,1 and newborn... its tough, BUT you will fall into a routine and it WILL get easier! Just take advantage of any opportunity to rest. I don't have help, so no one to babysit while I rest, so I've learned to get creative with it!
  • Today is my 1st wit my newborn n my 2 yr both at home im tired also been up all night n hvin a hard time stayin woke I also had a tubal done n the pain is severe
  • It gets better once a routine is going. I have a 10 year old 9 year pld 5 year old 17 month old and a 4 month old. Things were crazy at first but now we are in a routine and things are going great.
  • my daughter will be 2 when I have my second....and im doing it alone lol im a little worried
  • edited September 2011
    @all ladies thanks for the support, I feel so alone sometimes, my husband tries his best but he is at work most of the day :( it gives me more strength to know im not the only one going through this
  • You will be fine. Postpartum blues are to blame for a lot of the feelings. Go in and take a hot shower and have some you time. Put the oldest down for a nap and the baby down for a nap and try taking one yourself or atleast lay there and give you body a break.
  • @momof5 my 2 yr old is an energy ball and doesnt like naps :(
  • Lol. My 17 month old is like that and is always on the go. I put him in his crib and shut the door. Either he will lay there awake or cry himself to sleep. Gotta love kids. I wish we had their energy.
  • Eventually it will suck much less I promise :)
  • @Janet_2011 you won't be alone here soon hon. when Damien comes in Nov i'm going to have him plus my niece... who is 17 months old and very ornery... both my hubby and my SIL work at night so i'm going to have the toddler running around all day keeping me from taking a nap... and then my lil man waking up all night to be fed... its going to be really hard and i'm praying i have the strength to handle it all
  • edited September 2011
    I know right? If I had her energy I would be soo happy. And my 2 yr old sleeps on her big girls bed , so if I try what you do, she just gets up and walks out lol @momof5
  • @charlotteb time needs to hurry up :(
    @Damiens_Mommy omg you are going to be in my situation
  • My fiances daughter is 3 an I'm a bit worried about having her and the baby on my own! I know it sounds silly but she is such a switched on child and needs constant interaction which is fine all the time I can but what about once the baby is here?! Aaaagh!
  • My daughter is 20 months and my son is 3 months. Let me tell you it is VERY hard. I feel like ripping my hair out almost all the time. Then when I see someone on here that can't have or has lost a child I feel like smacking myself for even thinking of complaining.
  • Do u have a relative or friend to come help for a few hours ...hopefully it will adjust soon my dear
  • Excellent suggestion! @preggointx
  • I have a 2 and a half year old & my baby is a week old. The first 2 days home from the hospital I just cried. I was so stressed and soo tired. Its a huge adjustment. I also have a 9 year old who has helped sooooo much. She's such a blessing! But she goes back to school next week. My newborn is easy...it's my 2 year old who's giving me the hard time. I cant wait for this all to get easier! We just have to keep.reminding ourselves that it wont be like this forever & to reach.out for help when we need it.
  • I wish I had someone to help me.. My mom keeps saying shes coming over but never shows..
  • @Janet_2011 hey girl ;-) I totally understand u right now I am home alone w my newborn who is 9 days old n my 1yr old I am going a lil nuts good thing the bb is sleeping right now but putting my 1yr to sleep is not working . I wish I could sleep but I just came to the conclusion that's not gonna happen for a while :( ..my hubby gets home at 10pm I can't wait .
  • @Janet_2011 my solution to not get stress honestly is chating in my cell or texting it kinda distract me from stress ...
  • @KarenLove yeah thats how I feel :( I try to entertain my self so I dont fall sleep, but with my energetic girl I cant even watch a show I like :( I have been on my feet most of the day.
  • it's good to let it all out while you can, before you lose it! and i am sure you will lose it and just go crazy for a day or two. remember you are not super mom- you can only do your best. my oldest two kids are 15 months apart and i was dealing with cancer treatments when my newborn was 3 months old, i feel your stress and pain sweetie!
    obviously i don't know exactly what you do, so all i can do is offer some suggestions and hope that something helps, even just a little....
    make sure in the middle of the night you keep as many lights off or dim as possible. do not talk to baby or turn on the tv. nothing stimulating. once baby is fed, burped, and changed go ahead and place baby in crib or bassinet and pat their back or bottom to the beat of your heart. and swaddle them too.
    just after my oldest went to bed at night i would get some crackers and a juice cup ready for her, then in the morning i would allow her to come sit on my bed and eat, drink and watch a show or two while i layed there, sometimes she would even allow me to catch a wink or two of rest.
    my oldest was TERRIBLE at naps. getting her to bed at night was enough of a fight, let alone during the day. so in the middle of the day, after lunch i required "quiet time." of course if she will nap, or stay in her room that is best. but my girl refused, it was a nightmare. so i required her to sit and play quietly OR watch a movie. and for 2 hrs she had to be quiet- no running, screaming or active play. that way she was able to give her body somewhat of a rest. and i fully admit to taking long drives to get her to sleep just so i could come home- leave baby in the car seat and put my daughter on the couch as i slept on the floor by the baby. i hope something helps.
  • I have a son who will be two in December, a soon to be 13 year old, and a baby due in about 3 weeks. I am a stay at home mom for the first time ever & I am terrified that my kids are going to drive me insane.My little one already drives me nuts. So, I can only imagine how hard it's going to be when the baby gets here. I have thought about finding a job immediately after having the baby just to get away. SMH.
  • edited September 2011
    @survivormommie3 thanks for the advices , I love the quiet time one, I am sure going to try that one, wish me luck :)
    @ArmyMommy I have though of getting a job soon too, but I suffered so much when I had to give birth because for the first time my 2 yr old was away from me that I dont think that I can deal with leaving her and the newborn to go work
  • @Janet_2011, I don't know if I'll be going back to work right away myself. Unless I find a really good paying job I'll be working just to pay daycare.
  • @Armymommy thats one of the reasons my husband doesnt want me to get a job, day care is expensive and in top of that there are too many risks
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