pregnancy and deadbeat fathers

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
I figured there should be a "pregnancy and deadbeat fathers" section lol. Share your stories!


  • Am sry u went through that. I really dislike that. A real man will not lay a hand on u. I know some ladies out here that their baby daddy got another girl pregnant n not take care of the first one. Grr have can make babies n can't raise them not cool
  • Lol I know how u feel am grateful for having a man that love my child like his own. But at the end he will gets his
  • I was seeing a guy for about two weeks then I got pregnant by him. He pressured me into having sex with him when I never really wanted to, and it was only when we were drunk. I never had feelings for him and I know he never had feelings for me. When we stopped talking I found out that he actually sleeps around with a lot of different girls and does the same thing to them. Then I found out i'm pregnant and when I told him a couple weeks ago at first he said he would be there for me, then about 2 hours later he texted me saying to stay out of his life and leave him alone because it's not his. He even posted something on Facebook saying "Its funny how girls try to say theyre pregnant after they get dumped because they're so desperate". He won't respond to my texts and won't talk to me in person about it. So I emailed his mom a nice message explaining the situation and asked if she could talk to him about it or meet me in person and talk about it, she did nothing but respond with a hateful message telling me I need to get an abortion and to stay out of their lives because her son has a "life to live" and even called me a slut, when her son is the one who sleeps around while I can count the number of guys i've had sex with without using all of my fingers. It makes me so angry, to the point where I don't really care anymore and probably will not even put his name on the birth certificate because I don't want him anywhere near the baby or in its life at all.
  • I agree I wish I did that too
  • Yea no dramma not having ur heart brake wen u c ur babies cry n y daddy don't love me. Is better off sometimes
  • I'm not putting the father on the birth certificate. That's an honor he does NOT deserve
  • hahaha i love that! @twin_angels i bet he feels like a real douchebag now, but if he wasn't there for your kids then he deserves that. i can't wait til that day comes where my baby's father wants to suddendly be in it's life and it comes to bite him in the ass for not being there in the first place
  • My baby daddy and I had been f**k buddies for about 6 years always relying on my birth control as the only protection... well it finally failed us. I didn't even find out I was preggo til I was almost out of the first trimester. When I told him he proceeded to tell me I was ruining his life and I had to get an abortion or put the baby up for adoption. Im now 23 weeks and I've only talked to him twice, once to tell him the pregnancy was confirmed by the doctor and again to tell him its a girl. He asked me the last time we taked what he should do and I told him to do what he feels is the best. If he wants a relationship I wont prevent it and if he doesn't I wont push it. One things for certain though he will help me financially, and his name will not be on the birth certificate. Luckily I have no emotional ties to his dead beat ass and it was really easy for me to let him go. He can go rot for all I care. I definitely don't need him to be a good momma :)
  • Got pregnant by my high school sweetheat who was in the marines...when I told him I was pregnant he was happy until I told him I wouldn't move to Missouri with him but he had just been recalled to Iraq and Ga next thing I know hes saying the babys not his some chic told him it couldn't possibly be...hasn't seen my son since he was about six months (he's 6 years old now) got an order for child support but can't get it enforced cause he's on welfare..or so they say...SMH
  • Oh and he has at least two other kids by two different women with my son being the oldest...SMH
  • @carebear surrounded by the military my whole life. What he us telling you is bullshit if he is still a marine.
  • I want to say no he's not but I'm not a hundred percent sure but it's not him telling that nonsense it's the people that work in the child support office...he's about 4000 in arrears and here I am wondering who's not going to get paid so I can have enough gas to get my son to school this week
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