Omg I keep getting short stabbing sharp pains in my right breast (not nipple) I've been breastfeeding for 2 weeks. My baby also seems a bit fussier lately. What could it be??
No it isn't.. I did have plugged ducts but saw a lactation cnsultant and it got soooo much better. I know she's getting enough milk bc it'll just drip out without her having to suck and when I pump I get at least 2oz at a time. I think ima call her tomorrow.
@lily_glz could be thrush. Check babies mouth to see if any white patches are in the inside of cheeks. It can spread to your breasts/nipples. But deep breast pain can be a sign of it. It may nit be that, but something worth checking out. Not always do you get a rash on your nipples, so don't rule it out just yet if you don't have a rash on you. But check babies mouth. If it is thrush you and baby will need medicine. But if pain persist call your ob. Good luck sweetie.
The first couple weeks I got shooting nerve pains throughout my breasts. I think its just the ducts expanding. If it persists in the same spot for more than a day or so, call your doc. Otherwise, they usually stop all together after a few weeks.
@melinda326 thanks! Her tongue is white but its just the milk I think. @math_mommy I hope that's it and not something that'll cause me to stop breastfeeding
Breastfeeding the first few weeks is so much more painfull than it is after the first few... Your boobs wont feel like sacks of rocks forever I promise!
Good for you!!! Breastfeeding takes lots of patience and committment. My bf tried to tell me the same thing when I was exausted during the early weeks nursing our first. I may or may not have thrown a pack of D batteries at his head...
@math_mommy I hope that's it and not something that'll cause me to stop breastfeeding