How do other mommy's make it work??
I'm due in 19 days & plan on going back to school full time in january. I'm also going to have to work at least a part time job. How do you other mommys make it work? How many days a week do you go to school & how many hrs a week do you work. I'm a ftm & worried ill get over worked or not have enough time with my baby!! Advice please!
I want to know too
It's tough, I'm exclusively breastfeeding so I make sure I have a break to nurse my lo.
my son is a week-ish shy of 4 months. when you bring your baby home for the first time, after u take him out the carseat lay him down look at him maybe change baby outfits a couple times, your going to realize for the first real time "IM responsible for this breathing human being. I have to feed it and clean it and ((!RAISE??!)) it. this is MY ba
im 20 years old and born excatly 2 fridays after i turned 20 is my son who is a week-ish shy of 4 months. when you bring your baby home for the first time, after u take him out the carseat lay him down look at him maybe change baby outfits a couple times, your going to realize for the first real time "IM responsible for this breathing human being. I have to feed it and clean it and ((!RAISE??!)) it. this is MY baby. ok.
and u just do whatever u have to do to make sure that baby has everything he needs. for some its going to school to make sure u have a good future for your child, some work more hours in a week then they sleep. some moms get into negetive or illegal things. but whatever u do its all for that sweet baby.
id fall under the category of work>sleep.
5 weeks after my sons emergency c section birth i returned to work. and i was also working 40-50 hours a week up until april 30 and my son was born may 6.
i work 7 days a week, anywherr from 8-12,13, sometimes 14 hours a day. and thank heaven that in my line of work i am able to bypass labor laws and actually work that much because raising a baby is sooo expensive. add on that i dont live with anybody;not family for free and don't have a roommate or anything to split rent/power with.
my days consist of pretty much the same routine.
get up when its still dark.
get ready for work, take my dog for a 10-15 minute walk while adrien still asleep. when i get back inside i get adrien up, change diaper change clothes buckle in carseat put dog in crate get premade bottles in diaper bag grab work bag and carry all that shit plus carseat down 2 flights of stairs. sun is just coming up at that time.
drop off at sitter, go to work.
I'm a home healthcare nurse i work with seniors and provide home nursing so they have a chance to live in their own homes rather than nursing homes. most days i see multiple clients in one day so i do ALOT of driving all day. this is how my shifts easily turn into 12 or more hours. after i finish work i pick adrien up. if i can squeeze a few minutes to do errands that are much quicker to do without him i try to before i get him.
we get home and i lug all that crap from the morning back up two flights except add now that its hotter than hell and I've probably aquired a couple more bruises,bumps and pulled muscles so it really hurts. set everything inside put adrien in his crib and i take my poor pup :P on a little walk again. empty dirty bottles and do all the dishes (never from me i hardly eat its always baby stuff).
about 3 times a week i do all out cleaning (even tho my place is usually pretty tidy).
bath adrien, get diaper bag and clothes for the next day set out. make about 6 bottles for the next day.
shower again[Idk why i have to shower every morning and nught I'm just weird i guess]
wake up in morning and repeat.
on average i probably get 4-6 hrs of sleep a night. not deep tho; there's at least one feeding during the night, and mommy-checks are at an all time high. sometimes i jolt awake in the dark and run to adriens room, pick him up hella fast and put his chest or face to my ear. then i actually 'wake up', realize my heart is beating a million times a minute and go back to bed.i don't know why i do it or what wakes me up like that, but it just makes my little bit of sleep that more shallow.
sorry thus is soooo long! i read all the other responses and realized a lot of girlies wanted to know and nobody had shared a story. it really helped me just now to actually lay my new life out and look at it a new way. put it into another perspective for me. because after a cool minute the days and nights start to blend together. and i want people to read one persons real experience and get somewhat of an idea how things are after delivery.
just remember YOU CAN DO IT. its not impossible millions of moms; single, married, first timers, 5th timers and everyone in between, young, old, rich, poor,and from every country; do it everyday.