how many ounces are you pumping?

My daughter is 9 days old, my milk came in when she was 4 days old. I pump in the morning and get around 3oz. And then I pump once or twice more during the day and I pump about 2oz each time. Is that normal or low? How do I produce more milk? bc I'm not producing enough for her, so I'm giving her formula too. (she will latch, but won't eat, so were not breast feeding) Or has my milk not come in all the way? I just wanna be able to pump enough to where I don't have to give her formula.


  • I pump roughly about 6 oz a day, but I think the amount varies greatly among different women. Fenugreek works well though. Foods or supplements that help enhance lactation are called galactogues, you should google a list and see what works for you.
  • I think you're supposed to be pumping more often so your body realizes it needs to make more for baby. Maybe try pumping every two or three hours. And have baby get more skin to skin contact. That's what I've heard. I didn't produce a lot of milk and my daughter didn't latch. There's also teas and stuff to take so you produce more milk. No one told me that when I was struggling. :( GL.
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  • I pump 3-6oz each session depending on the time of day and how many feedings I've done. My daughter is 9 weeks old and thats not enough to satisfy her so I supplement 2 to 3 feedings with formula. Try fenugreek capsules 3 pills 3 times a day and make sure you're pumping at least every 2 to 3 hours, that should up your supply.
  • I only get a max of 2 oz it is frustrating cuz he wont latch even with a shield
  • edited September 2011
    @ashleyfew wow, 12oz! I think I need to take some fenugreek. When did you start taking the pills?

    thanks @rockinmomma @mommy2b06 @captainmorgaine I'm gonna start pumping more, and look into getting the fenugreek to help with my supply, cause my little girl eats 3oz a feeding!

    @preggointx my little girl will latch, but then she just sits there and and won't work to get the milk out, its frustrating, because I thought she'd just breast feed. I didn't think it was going to be this hard.
  • I only get about 3 oz :( .. my baby is 2 weeks old she gained weight so I thought she was getting enough but now I'm not so sure. She's always hungry! And only eats for about 5 minutes on 1 boob :(. I gave her formula just now for the first time
  • If she will latch but doesn't want to work for it, maybe try the breastflow bottles..? When we were in NICU they recommended those because Lilly did the same thing. They helped cause I pumped every 3-4 hours and fed her with that bottle and she learned how tko get what she was after in no time lol! Try not to get frustrated (but I total understand why you are!) That she doesn't 'just breast feed' cause a lot of babies don't. Its a learned skill for mom and baby (something else they don't tell ya when your preggo!). Also, if you get WIC (or maybe even if you don't, I'm not sure) they have breast feeding consultants who can help answer questions and many hospitals have specialists who can show you techniques and offer support. Don't give up! She will thank you for giving her the best and hanging in there :) good luck momma!!
  • I produce about 6-8oz a day. Everytime I feed him I pump the other boob. I produce more than he will eat. I havent had problems wit him latchin on but he always falls asleep. I stimulate him but ticklin him to keep him suckin. I also massage my boob to get more milk to come down then I'll squeeze my boob to squirt some milk n his, mouth an that will get him suckin too. Both of those r things the lactation consultant taught me cuz ast first he wasn't gettin enough milk. He was juts usin my boob as a pacifier. He got dehydrated an I got scared. Ever since I started doin those things I havent had a problem. It also made me produce more which is y I now have to pump simultaneously.
  • It will pick up. :) At 2 weeks old I started getting 5oz in the AM, and 3 each time after. Now, at 2 months, I get 12oz in the AM, and 35oz (been getting that much for a about 6 weeks now) roughly per day. Plus whatever baby is eating. Keep it up! You're doing great!
  • Also, I drink Mother's Milk Tea. It really works!
  • @kristaf22 It's disgusting. LOL. But I add sugar to it now. :P
  • im overabundent with milk. i can pump over 3oz out of each breast about every 2 to 3 hrs
  • Lol yea I m on a few breastfeeding ones! @kristaf22 I. Take tips and advice from everyone!
  • I pump about 5oz every 3-4 hours. I strictly pump though. My son is 12 days old, and I'm not taking any supplements
  • @kristaf22 I usually alternate. It depends how long he'll feed. If I dont alternate n the same, feedin I'll start wit the opposite boob the next feedin.
  • edited September 2011
    @kristaf22 You can make it hot, then cool it like sweet tea. :) I'm actually gonna try that, cuz let's face it, summer is miserable... It has anise in it, and that taste really is overwhelming. Another tip, Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek capsules 3 times a day really help boost production. They are found in the tea, but in smaller amounts. I use all 3. Most important thing my lactation specialist told me was to keep pumping for 2-5 minutes AFTER the last drop comes out. It signals your body to make more. <-- It DOES work.
  • Depend on the time of the day I get any where from 4 to 10oz a boob. My little one is 10 weeks and is a little piggy she feeds from both almost every feeding
  • I have a huge oversupply. I pump 10-12 oz every 3-4 hours. Its miserable. And its bad for baby too, she gets gassy and its toxic, has explosive poop, horrible hiccups, etc. So no matter how much you get there can be issues, so even if you up your supply don't up it too much. :) good luck to you!
  • BTW my princess is 9 days old
  • edited September 2011
    @momtob I've actually tried the breastflow bottles, and so far she doesn't like the nipple, its so different then the nipples the hospital started her with. Maybe she just needs time to get used to them. I'm trying to hang in there and thank you!

    @fate I hope it will pick up! I just thought id get my milk in and then bam! Tons of milk, but I'm learning it doesn't work that way. And where do you buy the tea?

    @kristaff22 its okay! I actually was going to ask the questions you asked fate, lol. So thanks!

    @maranda3 wow, that's a lot of milk!! My baby girl is 9 days old too...well now 19 days since its midnight. I never knew an oversupply can come with problems too.
  • Vitamin Shoppe is where I get mine. It's like $4 for 16 bags in a box. Walmart might have it.
  • my little man is 3 weeks old and first i try breastfeeding him and whatever he does not eat i pump...i usually get 4-5oz leftover. i feed and pump every 2-3hrs...drink lots of water...and the more often u feed the more u get milk :) great luck!
  • I pumped again today more often than usual I'm still only getting less than 2 oz my morning pump might get 2 I have to supplement alot :(
  • Wow i get 2 oz of colostrum just trying to stimulate my nipples to bring on labour
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