When is ok to let him sleep on his tummy?

edited September 2011 in Babies
He's 16 days old and already almost able to roll himself over. I let him nap on his tummy when I'm awake and able to keep an eye on him and he loves it. But when is it safe to let him go to bed on his tummy? I'm a ftm so I'm not sure but don't want him choking or passing away from sids. Thanks for any input ladies!


  • Bump... I don't want to give the wrong advice here... with my other two boys I just played it by ear and went with what felt right but here's a bump so others can maybe answer better.
  • Our pediatrician gave us the green light at 6 months. This is when the sids risk goes down (but not eliminated). I've heard of other peds saying that if they can roll back to belly (usually 4-6 mos), and they do it on their own in their sleep its okay.
  • My first born slept on his side and tummy.. I thought it wasn't good for babies to sleep on their back, because of a chance they'd choke on spit up..
  • Ok m a ftm and my doc doesnt want me to put her on her tummy thats how she sleeps best so for my sanity she sleeps on her tummy
  • @1toddler1dueoctober actually babies have a reflex to spit it out or to swallow it again when they r on their backs sleeping. Another girl wrote a post on babies choking on aspiring up when sleeping on their backs. I don't want him on his belly until I know its safe cuz they can choke easier on their bellys or suffocate and the thought of sids scares the crap out of me. He can already roll to his side and I let him sleep like that if he does it on his own. And when he gets smart enough to lift his arm above his head while on his side he will be able to get on his belly on his own. It's scary tho cuz he's only 16 days old!
  • My son started sleeping on his stomach at 3 weeks. I was confident that he could sleep that way unless he was swaddled because he was able to left his head and turn it. He was actually a pretty strong baby my doc said he was trying to stand up when we brought him home. However it depends on your child. He still to this day can't really sleep on his back but if can monitor your child during the day then sleep on tummy at night I would just swaddle them.
  • Yea it is tricky, the thought of sids happening to my baby makes me shudder, I wish it wouldn't happen to anyone, but all we can do is be real careful and alert.
  • i was told as soon as they r able to roll over on their own. my nephew started at 2 months. my sis would put him on his back but durin the nite he would roll on his stomach on his own.
  • @QweenNique ya my son is pretty strong too. He lifts his head for about 30secs at a time and rolls over on his sides all the time. As for swaddling he doesn't like it :( he likes his feet sticking out. So we put him in a jumper or a sleeper sack at bedtime and he loves it.
    @1toddler1dueoctober ya we r super cautious about sids. We bought one of those sensors u hook on their diaper that monitors their breathing and we love it!
    @JsMyOnlyLove that's what I was thinkin too. I just wanna be sure 1st.
  • My son is 5 weeks and has been sleeping on his stomach since he was 2 weeks old. He doesn't sleep well on his back at all. I know the doctors tell you not to put them on their stomachs but I do.
  • The reason they want them to sleep on their backs instead of their stomach is because they don't sleep as heavily on their backs, which makes SIDS less likely. You should always lay him down on his back, but once he can roll himself over, you don't have to worry about turning him back.
  • My 3 mo old has only been able to sleep on her belly. Just this week she started sleeping on her back. Whenever I used to put her on her back she would wake up instantly. Now that she sleeps on her back I have found that if I put her on her belly for about an hour she is asleep enough for me to flip her on her back and she will stay asleep better
  • Can't u use a paci if u are afraid of sids while sleepin in their tummys? I heard pacifiers reduce this bcuz it allow a barrier between their mouth & nose with the bed. Idk if its true but it sounds ok.
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