After birth



  • C section is worse! You cant even walk up n down stairs for six weeks...I'm not scared I can take pain I just wanted to be prepared for what was to friend had her baby a month ago and made it sound so much worse n my cousin had her baby almost a year ago n had to have forceps or whatever well doctor did something wrong part of her um vajayjay was hanging out of her n she had to have four surgeries to correct it n wasn't sure if she would be able to have more babies! Doctors luckily said she should be able to she will begin ttc this summer so after that horror story I will take stitches lol
  • Geezus postpartum sounds worse than delivery... lets just say I use tampons only for a reason... I'm definitely getting implanion after this baby. No periods for me kthnxbye
  • @ashes I don't think they want you using tampons only pads after you deliver
  • Ok soo I don't want to freak anyone out I know this freaks me out and its my first so im really freaked out by this but my friends little sister just had a baby like 2 mths ago and when her doc stiched her up she stiched to far back and kinda stiched part of her butt shut. Has anyone ever heard of this? She kept trying to poo and it was hurting her really bad so she spent christmas eve in the er and the er couldn't figure out what was wrong then christmas day he doc figured out hwat happened. This freaks the he'll out me! And the poor girl was only 18.
  • You guys are freaking me out a little bit good luck to all of us on this part! Bleeding for a month sounds no fun!
  • @steeny you will be so busy with your newborn it wont even matter.
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  • Everything freaks me out. Im the girl that always said I would never have babies bc it scared me so bad. But now that im 29wks its like omg omg im going to freak when its time to have him lol and im so clueless to babies. Im 25 and haven't changed many diapers in my life fixed maybe 3 bottles before. Soo yea lol but we will all be fine with everything. Labor. And afterbirth and just think how it was all worth. It ya know?!
  • Tucks pads are AMAZING. I have had 4 children and have used them everytime. I'm getting ready to have my 5th baby and you better believe I'm getting tucks pads again. The peri bottle is great for when you pee. I used mine a lot cause you really don't feel like using TP either down there cause your so sore. But it gets ya clean and. Cleans off the blood too. Eat lots of fiber and take stool softners. I think the uterus contracting after having the baby is worse than actual labor. And if your breast feeding (which is great for you and baby) the pain is way worse. Ask for tylenol and keep it in your system. Good luck.
  • Ugh- fun topic! Lol... my labor was much worse than the after pains w/ my first, but now I'm scared when I hear they're worse w/ future babies! I did bleed for the full 6 weeks, and verrrry heavy. All of my periods have been much heavier since my first, too, which sucks because I can't take birth control to level them out :( ...
    I also loved the peri-bottle & would use it to wash down-there & just dab instead of wipe with t.p. I never did tear, and I had a 9lb4oz baby, so there is no way to know if you will ahead of time. I used Tucks wipes & they seemed to work very well at first but not after a couple of days... I'll be looking into the spray this time!
  • So do we get our period immediately after giving birth?
  • Yea @clope..but not everyone bleed da same I only bled a week ..i had stitches too I had 9lbs 10oz 22inch lil girl first baby ...i hope this preg smaller
  • @clope18 its not necessarily period cause you ont start a real cycle til 3 months later but with pregnancy you bloo volume doubles so I think its just all that rushing out. I bled a lot my friend not so muhc but I'm sure you can expect acouple of weeks of bleeding. While your uterus contracts it feels like a bad period but after that you don't eally notice blood. Its really the first week after stitched that's rough. Baby is great distraction.
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