I may have had a ruff Labor, But God blessed me with a beautilful baby girl ON MY BIRTHDAY!! "London Marie Wilson" she Was born at 4:17pm wt 7lbs, 7oz 18inches.
Thanks Ladies sorry im just getting back but im in a lot of pain, An ive been getting some rest an loving my princess. @mybabe i had to push her out at 9cm, bc i wouldnt go pass 9. She refuse to come down, so the dr had to stick his whole hand in me (srry TMI) to to attach a vacum too her head. I was pushing 3 too 4x's per contraction. They had another Dr pushing on my belly, trying to push her down. So her head finally popped out, And her shoulders were STUCK!! Omg...Her head was out for a min an a half before getting the rest of her body out. I was CUT TWICE, Im still in pain but when i look at her I cry with tears of joy. I love my London Marie Soooo much!!!!! :X