@bentleysmommy@bahamamama4828 I went to look up a consultant through le leche league. I live in GA, and they only had a phone number for the Atlanta area, and I live no where near there....how did you find one?
ccommon misconception. BM has all that babies need for low blood sugar..remember u can push to keep baby with u, around here they keep babies with moms unless there's an issue
@bahamamama4828 well I delivered at a military hospital, and they don't have a NICU, so the nursery was their version of one. There was an issue, I had a fever during labor, since my water broke on its own, and I was in labor for 20 hours. So they took her away to check for fever, possible infection, and to give her an IV. And I couldn't be with her to breast feed her.
@Cait_SeptemberMommy where in ga do you live? I live in columbus but if you call your hospital and speak to the delivery floor, they should give you a number to call.
@bentleysmommy Its pretty nice. Downtown has a lot of historic stuff, restaurants, bars, shops, clubs etc. There are two malls, tybee island is about 20 mins from downtown, lots of colleges, living expenses arn't too bad.
My thing was I would fill a gallon jug with water and made sure I drink every bit of it from the time I woke up till I went to bed. And I love milk so I could put a half a gallon away easy. Lol. I would try to get atleast 3 big glasses of milk in a day.
It sounds like your milk supply is there. Are you pumping? You can always give pumped breast milk in a bottle until you figure this out. Where in Georgia are you?
But how do I find a LC?