SPD - anyone else got this? any pain relief tips?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Hi, I am 39 weeks with first baby and was diagnosed with SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) 2 weeks ago. I can't move, sit, walk, lay down etc without excruciating pain. Has anyone else had this or got it and got any tips on relieving the pain? Am desperate! Any help hugely appreciated. X


  • Also, those who have had spd did you have any problems in labour due to it?
  • Sorry I can't help, but bump!
  • edited September 2011
    i found a body pillow help so i could correctly postion my hips and pelvis. I havent had SPD but lots of pelvic pain and my sis had SPD! Also a warm bath and mild strecthing with painkillers for the really bad times. Try a gym ball too they help you sit properly for back and hips!
  • idk if i actually have it but my nana sure does hurt when i stand too long or if i dont put a pillow between my legs when i laydown so when i get up it hurts soooooo much to walk i hate it so much but my tip is a pillow between your legs
  • Thanks yes got gym ball and spend half the day in the bath as only relief. I was using a body pillow but it makes pain worse now because it parts the knees. Did your sister have any problems in labour due to spd? Thanks for replies and for the bump! X
  • nope but i think she was really lucky 2hrs 20 mins start to finish and accidently gave birth at home with her and husband, so only 2 paracetomol and a tens machine for pain relief... :-S Just googled tens and spd and that says u can use from 36 weeks but i would ring ur midwife/docor and check but my friend has a pelvis problem anyway(not preg) and uses one for that and lower back pain
  • I have the pubis dysfunction not pelvis one so it my pubic bone that agony and feels like it keeps dislocating so the tens won't work for that as asked midwife- thanks anyway. Thanks for reply I hope my labour only 2 hours!! X
  • @newmomma13 it sounds like you have startings of pubis one same as me! If you catch it earlier enough you can have physio and they give crutches to take pressure off walking. I was too far gone for referral but worth checking with your midwife ASAP! Trust me it just gets worse especially the more babies head engages x
  • @padda28 I'm already gonna be 38 weeks on wed do I'm sure if I have it its too late lol I just got up to get me something to eat and man it hurt like heck to walk
  • Yes too late I'm afraid - I was 37 weeks and they couldn't refer me as too late. Try and keep knees together as much as possible when standing up or sitting down. It agony I really empathise. Sounds weird but walking backwards upstairs helps too as your legs don't move in same way as frontwards so takes pressure off pubic bone x
  • *bump*

    I was hoping you'd get more replies to this! I'm having a lot of symptoms and going to mention it to my dr at my next appt. I'll be 34 wks tomorrow. Keeping my knees together helps a bit. Also, google said becareful to avoid too soft surfaces and pulling yourself up from sitting to standing can aggravate it.
  • Me too! I thought it was quite common. The only relief is in bath - was hoping others may have more tips! X
  • Bump - any advice anyone? X
  • Isn't much you can do..as suggested keep knees together and don't lift anything heavy..Epson salt baths...the only way its relieved is by giving birth
  • Ok thanks, will try Epson salt bath too. I wondered if giving birth would be more difficult? X
  • Mine went away after birth! I had to get a epidural to deal wit it during labor I was so uncomfortable! N I normally hve natural births!
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