
edited January 2011 in Health
I had insane heartburn with my first in my second and third trimesters. I'm 4.5 weeks along and already experiencing it now. Anyone else have heartburn? Super disappointed to get it so soon. By far the worst prego symptom I had the first time around.


  • Ohhh yeah! Horrible heartburn. Your doctor can give you medicine but if not drink a glass of milk. Helps a little.
    But it was horrible with my first and it hasn't been much better with my second. I have been downing the milk though.
  • I've had it with all my pregnancies. You start to figure out what food makes it worse (you probably already figured that out:) ) and, I live off Tums. It's my savior:)
  • I thought mayb I wuz da only 1 havin heartburn early n pregnancy im 6wks an already havin it.I had it really bad durin my 1st pregnancy but it didnt start til I wuz lik 5mths an nothin helpd it,i jus ben dealn wit it so far n dis pregnancy an its not dat bad but its still early
  • Malox has been my best friend! The first 19wks I was throwing up nonstop and then heartburn got tens times worst. But I keep tums in my car and malox at home. The berry flavor is the best! Hope it gets better for you and congrats!
  • Thanks girls! Last time I slept with a bottle of tums under my pillow! I had leg cramps from all the calcium. Does malox contains. Calcium like tums?
  • I was pretty sure I was pregnant this time just CAUSE of the heartburn... lol!
  • Me too! I've never experienced it til I became preg. At least I kno my daughter will have tons of hair. I was a Baldy as a baby lol
  • This is my first pregnancy. I am 25 weeks with a baby girl and having lots of heartburn no mattter what I eat. Tums didn't help. I heard that papaya enzyme help...it was ok...but I found that zantac works really fast. I haven't had a day of morning sickness so I guess heartburn isn't too bad lol
  • Zantac is what I use.'.. Tums etc dont work s4 me n its safe my dr gave it to me
  • My doc wouldn't give me anything the first time around, that was 8 years ago. Hopefully she will say its all good to take something like zantac, but im MORE hoping it won't get that bad again!!
  • @mommysBabygirl just like me... I told my doctor what I was experiencing and he had to giggle cause I didn't know what it was:) and I guess I was bald until about 2! All my kids had hair at birth
    Funny thing: they say the heartburn=hair thing is a myth. Well I read something recently saying the hormone that makes the baby grow hair is the same hormone that slows your digestive system... giving you heartburn... I knew I wasn't crazy... lol!
  • Best thing I've found that has worked for me is peanut butter...im going my whole pregnancy without meds other then my vitamins and so far so good. I haven't had any morning sickness and Im 24 weeks 6 days and I had horrible heartburn before I became pregnant from a car accident a year prior. Good luck I hope you find something that works for you.
  • Omg! I was always up at 2am eating peanutbutter and banana sandwhiches with milk trying to fight the heartburn with my first. :D sooo yummy! But definetly didn't help
  • Ohhh...the reason it probably didn't help was because of the bananas. They're known to make your heartburn actually worse. Taste good but you pay for it later. Haha
  • I'm in my 6th week now and experiencing non-stop heartburn. I didn't have it at all with my son and he still came out with a tiny black head of hair.
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