where were u when...

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Ur water broke?! I'm a FTM & super scared about the whole water breaking thing...not really scared of it...but rather scared of where ill be when it happens...I'm 37wks & was at the mall all day today with the BD & I had to pee like 5 different times & kept feeling the baby real low...I was praying my water didn't break while I was there...does it usually break when ur busy?! Moving around a lot?! Or relaxing, laying down?! I'm pretty sure it just breaks whenever no matter where ur at!!!


  • I was getting ready to go to my 40-week appointment. I noticed a bit of leaking that I thought could be pee...had my baby girl 16 hour later!
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  • With my first child I was at my aunt's house I had just gotten out the shower gettin ready for bed a day before my due date..I remember it like yesterday..and here I am prego again..boy time flies..
  • Sitting on the couch watching tv the day before my dd.... 24 hrs later they delivered her via c-section.... I am nervous about it with this one.. Im 36+6 and my son is really really low and my daughter was never like that...
  • I've read online that it really could happen any time lol. Supposedly when you're more "at ease" or "well rested", but from what other mommies have stated, it looks like any time! I'd say always be prepared. I keep an extra overnight pad in my purse where ever I go (bc I'm paranoid of looking like I peed in my pants if it happens in public). I also keep an extra towel, a few pad sheets (they kinda look like puppy dog pee pads), a few overnight pads (again) & paper towels in my car's trunk just in case. I wanna be super prepared bc idk when or where it will happen lol ;-)
  • Idk why you'd be embarrassed! Lol! If mine breaks somewhere I'll be loud and proud about it.... I've had such a boring pregnancy that would just make it fun lol
  • On the couch trying to watch the last episode of spartagus for the second time. Lol that I still haven't seen.
  • mines never broke til at the hospital both times. first time they broke it for me.. and second time it broke after i got an epidural.
  • Mine broke at home after a looooong and relaxing bath!
  • They had to break mine both times in the hospital
  • had it broken at the hospital
  • With my first I had it broken in hospital, with my second it went its self in hospital :-) hoepfully this time it'll go on its own too. Good luck
  • With all 3 of my kids, the hospital had to break it. My husband always freaks out and makes me sleep with a waterproof crib pad under my side of the bed the last few weeks.
  • Mine was broke.at the hospital when I was induced. My friend who just had hers break in the middle of a store!
  • Mine broke at the hospital too.
  • In bed trying to sleep.. my water ended up breaking at 1am and i fully wet the bed, lol :-)
  • I was peeing.... I visited family all day and came home because I had back pain. I just wanted to go to bed. But the pain got worse it was labor. I went pee before we left the house and my water broke
  • Mine broke right after Dr. appt and i Was very ignorant. So I slept through painless. then went to hospital for 3 hour labor. With my son, I woke up all. wet! and then went to the hospital 2 days later. i never have pains. lol. he Was born 4 hour labor. Now with this one on the way, I am 39 wks and still not low yet. I plan to work until Due Date which is 9-20-11
  • @Moroccanmexicanbaby WOW!!! lol

    a lot of u girls had ur water broken at the hospital!! i didnt know that was so common!

    @pnsw524 thats what i was paranoid about! having it break in the middle of the mall!

    @RizzyChicky thanx 4 all the tips! ;)

  • My Dr told me that only 20% of women's water break outside of the hospital...so its more common for it to break at the hospital. My Dr broke my water at the hospital.
  • I had mine broken in the hospital both times. It felt weird and sounded like a balloon when they went to break it :)
  • My doctor broke my water both times in the hospital :)
  • @redhead25 thats crazy!!! i didnt know that...

    thats all i think about now! is where & when my water will break! lol
  • Mine never broke. Had two scheduled c sections. From what I understand, what you see in the movies about a big puddle on the floor never happens that way. Usually its a slow leak. But if it is a big puddle then there is nothing to be ashamed of. I can't imagine anyone looking at you in disgust because of something that happens to pregnant women. I'm sure everyone would be understanding and sympathetic. No reason to worry or stay home out of fear of humiliation
  • I was at my bd's moms house when it broke but I just wanted to rest that day @rizzychicky I think your right that its when your at ease because I had everything set up at 37 weeks and was ready for her to come.
  • I was at the hospital waiting for the midwife to get there to break my water. I was talking to my boyfriend, rolled over, and it broke lol.
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  • @Mama_luvs_her_girls i think id just be in shock...prolly crying...prolly laughing...so many emotions...lol...
  • I cant help you on this on because I am a ftm also but im scared of it braking while I am at school
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