really worried & sad :,( any stories will be nice to hear

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
I know ppl have worse problems & im mot complaining but im really scared and worried about my baby...i have been very stressed out & my dr said im measuring 2 weeks behind he didnt seem worried just said she will be 6-7 lbs on the smaller side...i just feel like I failed her and did something wrong..i dont even like taki.g tylenol & only took it like 3 times just emotional & crying I just want my babygirl to be healthy & 34 weeks but measuring 32 weeks...i have been measuring on time untill now...also when ppl tell me im so small to be 34 weeks it hurts cuz I cant change it I gained 31 lbs already so I do eat im just sitting here crying my eyes out because I just want her to be ok...


  • edited September 2011
    The fundal measurements are exactly the most accurTe way to measure. Last week I was measuring 3wks ahead, but had an ultrasound the week before and was 5.5lbs at 34wks. Which is the 52 percentile for that stage of growth. The dr even said its not the most reliable. 6-7 lbs is perfect size for a baby. Dont worry... I am sure she will be perfect :) I am 36wks now and my dr said our lil girl willl probably be somewhere in the 7lb area. Dont worry hon.
  • Please don't worry! I had to have a growth scan a couple of weeks ago as my consultant measured my belly at 26cm at 30 weeks. He was brilliant and said as I'm quite little it is best just to get it all checked but he wouldn't expect me to have a big baby. At the scan everything was fine, baby is on the small side but not abnormally so! We come in all shapes and sizes, that is the wonder of life! You can also be measured differently depending on how the baby is lay. Please don't be upset, I'm sure your baby girl is perfectly healthy!!
  • edited September 2011
    Hun if your gaining weight and the baby looks healthy your fine and im sure baby will be fine also. If your baby is going to weigh between 6/7 lbs that's pretty good. You don't want a 9lbs baby lol. Hun im sure things will be ok. If your obs worried he/she would tell you.. you haven't failed your baby hun. Your obviously providing her a home right now and have come this far. Talk to @USMCwifemommy she's 29weeks and measuring way behind then that. Imagine being in her shoes hun it could ne worse. Not trying to make you feel bad or put other people against you im just trying to tell you that you've done good so far.. keep it up. Sorry if I offended you. Just keep your head up things will work out.
  • That's perfectly ok! I was measuring perfect until my 30 wk check up. I was measuring 27 wks then & I felt super worried just like u. My doc told me to gain MORE weight(I had also already gained close to 30 lbs by that time) cuz she felt my baby was too small & not gaining any weight. ppl would tell me "oh ur so small" (not what u wanna hear after what ur doc says). But when I went for my 34 wk ultrasound, babygirl was measuring perfectly (5.5 lbs). It was a huge relief. Sometimes belly measurement don't mean nothin @ all. & if ur baby weighs 6-7 lbs @ birth, that's ok! It's average birthweight.
  • Thats a good birth weight. Unless the dr says worry, don't! Your doing good growing her so far & getting upset won't help. My dr refuses to measure me, he does u/s at each check up because it's more accurate! If baby is laying a diffrent way, it will effect the measurement. Be calm.
  • @stillsurprised @littlenat89 @momofsoontobe7 @oc86 @pinkigirl thank you I think im just emotional & I just want to have her here in my arms im obviously a ftm lol but im feeling better...& I was not offended by anyones comments I didnt mean it like I had it so bad just wanted to hear that she would be ok from ppl who had the same thing
  • I am a ftm too and I know what you mean about just wanting her here. I feel the same about my lil girl. Dont worry :)
  • Hunny im going to be a mom of my 5th kid and I still want my babies here now lol. Its a natural feeling for a good mother to feel that way!!!
  • @stillsurprised I wanted her to come @, 38 weeks cuz im gonna work untill I cant work anymore but now I dont want her to come early I think I want her to stay in till her dd
    @momofsoontobe7 I cant even imagine bei.g pregnant that much times one is enough for me for a looooong time
  • Lol I love being pregnant and I love my all of my kiddos!!! Im still just as excited for this one as I was for the other 5. I wouldn't trade any of them or any of my pregnancies for the world. Hun you will miss it believe me!!! Then you'll want more lol.. I think I want one more then im done!! I would love to become a surrogate but I know no one would use me bc im so tiny and short lol.... kids are amazing! Just know us women are amazing as well! And dont ever forget that!! You are im sure an amazing person and dont ever think any less of your self pregnant or not! :)
  • I work with infants & love kids & I get to see how truly amazing & unique each child is everyday. im short too so I feel like I cant breathe anymore at 34 weeks lol maybe when im not so emotional I can think of going on this crazy journey again lol @momofsoontobe7
  • thanks for the upboost :) btw lately my hormones has gotten the best of me @momofsoontobe7
  • I had 2 girls, 6lbs 15 oz was the first, I had her at 40w3d, second was 6lbs 7oz, had her at 39 weeks. My son I just had was both at 37w3d, he was 5lbs 10oz. He was sick with gbs pneumonia and on an iv in the hospital for 10 days. I blammed myself, but realized it wasn't anyones fault. he is 6lbs 6oz now, and when I look at him I still feel like I did something wrong. But hes healthy, active, alert, and eats like a hog. Its hard right now but I know he will be fine and we will get thru it. Pregnancy is unpredictable. Anything can happen, you just need to take it day by day, and do what you feel is right. and theres nothing wrong with little babies, it just means they get more cuddle time with mommy :)
  • She will be absolutely fine! And just to make you feel better, doctors can be VERY wrong. From 32 weeks, I was measuring 2 weeks behind. Got 2 growth u/s and each time they said he was gonna be on the smaller 6 lb side. Well I went for my 37 week appointment, I was 37+2, and I was measuring 34 weeks still so I got an u/s that day and they said he was 5lbs 15oz. I had my son 4 days later and he was 7lbs 9oz and 20.5 in long! He was all in my back!
  • @snreda glad to hear your son is healthy
    @bentleysmommy thats reasurring me & my bf are both pretty small so I didnt expect a big baby but I just want her to be healthy
  • Yeah I'm 5'1 and 100 lbs before I got pregnant and 118 when I gave birth. All I heard my entire pregnancy was oh your so small, you need to eat, your baby is too tiny. It was really frustrating because if I needed to worry, my ob would tell me too. But you gotta remember, once you become pregnant, everyone suddenly has a PhD lol.
  • im not as tiny as you im 5'2 & 115 when I got preggo but I weighted 7 lbs at birth one week late so its not a big surprise shell be small...i HATE when ppl say im small I feel like yelling no stupid im huge cuz in no way do I feel small
  • Too right, they aren't carrying these bumps around, it makes me cross when people say that it looks small!
  • edited September 2011
    Baby could have moved back that can make you measure small my midwife said 2cm either way was fine and completely normal. I was measuring 10weeks bigger at 35 weeks and had a 9lb 2oz baby at 37 weeks would have easily been 10+ had I gone to term I managed to persuade them to move my section forward. A smaller baby to me is more a newborn I was so scared of having a 12lb baby and not my tiny newborn I cried a lot now he is here and was my lovely newborn. You will be fine mumma hormones cause you to worry about things more you are doing well.
  • No worries hun I was measuring two weeks behind in my mothers womb and was two weeks overdue and still 5 lbs 6oz and i turned out fine :) night just be intrauterine growth retardation. As long as everything is proportioned and.the head and brain look okay u have nothing to worry about. I was just behind in growth development physically not mentally mind u and was pcked on a little for being.small in first grade but really worry about. U haven't done anything.wrong it just happens sometimes
  • This is my last week of work. But I have been having really bad bh contractions and I am diabetic so I will be induced at 39weeks. I work about 35 miles from where I live so no one wants me to go into labor on the freeway lol. I can't wait to meet our lil one. I hope you are feeling better about everything today.
  • Worrying is a mom thing...get used to it lol

    You worry your baby is too small, too big, eating too much, not eating enough, over sleeping, under sleeping...the list goes on. Just hang in there...everything will be okay!
  • My measurements bounced all over the place. Fetuses have growth spurts in utero. Just as babies do after being born. I only gained 18#. Its not how much you gain bit how you eat that matters, my lily weighed 9#5 at birth. Two days before she was born the u/s measured her at 7#14.
  • I just got up to my prepregnancy weight and I am 31weeks, so try not to look at weight or anything of the sort... there are babies born full term that are 5lbs all the time.. everyone things they need to have a 8 or 9lb baby in order do it to be healthy and that's just not the case...cheer up honey!
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  • @everyone thanks for cheering me up & telling your stories..i know now that if my dr was worried he would have said so hormones are a crazy crazy thing I feel much better today :)
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