Trusting Your Doc

edited September 2011 in Pregnant
Why does it seem like so many on hete think they know better than their doctor or the professionals in L&D??? I trust my doctor fully as well as the nurses in our hospitals L&D. I do not have any training in either field, so why would I think I know better than them???


  • I trust my mom cause shes an Ob nurse trainer. I trust my doc cause my mom does lol
  • It might be some ladies feel they No There body better. Idk I trust mine to the fullest!
  • Doctors especially obs are not always right. I would not still be pregnant right now if I had listened to my doctor. It also took me 10 obs to find one who wuld listen to me.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to your doctor. I do listen to mine. But if they are ignoring my concern symptoms or issues I have to chalenge them or find a new doctor.

    There is a reason that the highest malpractice is in obgyn.
  • edited September 2011
    I trust my dr as well cant say much for the nursing staff @the the hospital bc 2 of them I had w my 3rd daugther were asses. If I have questions I always call my dr office or page my dr in after hours, she is great.
  • I trust mine 100%.
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  • I surely trust mine!
  • @ll10 I completely understand, u did your job finding one u trust. But many sit and complain just because their doc won't induce them early, or they get sent home from L&D because they are not having registerable contractions and have no cervical change. It's not always the nurses or your doc that choose to send u home, it may be hospital protocol. The hospital will not keep you just cuz you want to stay.
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  • Yeah I agree with that 10000% when I was a kid my mom was a midwife and I cannot count how many times she missed important things over someone downing castor oil. She always would tell them. Not to take it because all it did most of the time was cause contractions make them poop all over her and then she would have to wait for it to go away.
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  • I totally trust my dr and his staff.. If I get an answer I am not happy with I ask more questions.. Sometimes its a miscommunication and sometimes I need to just accept his answer. Being pregnant is painful and frustrating at times but I need to be able to trust someone right?!
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  • @addi3886 even tho its considered full term..there is still brain development going on thats important to your baby. Thats why they dont induce you before 39 weeks without medical reason. Hope that last week doesnt feel like forever for you tho!
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