anyone who has given birth have a gamer hubby/bf/bd? (vent along if you have one)



  • @shimattsbaby I agree! Also, easy on the wallet that way too!
  • @newmominsept well idk about this month I think there's about 3-4 new games coming out and I'm talking him into getting one at a time
  • Haha good luck!!
  • @krazymomofadrian she's 4mo be 5 on the 26th
  • OMG!! Girl no!! He's on this stupid black ops all day every day! He only works from January to April (he does taxes) so he's off the rest of the year. I wish he would help more. I basically have the baby all day. I'm suppose to have mornings and he's suppose to have nights but I have him from like 8-9am until I go to sleep 1-3am and I'll probably wake up a hour or two from then and leave the baby with my man while he's playing the game and he'll bring him right back up stairs like around 5am and if he doesn't hear him I'll have him but if he does then he'll my shift starts at 8. I hate it. I hole that I'm a single parent all the time. But its not funny to me at all I hate that stupid game!!
  • Omg mine goes to his friends to play online... he finishes work at 9.30pm n doesn't come home till 2-4am... every nite. I nearly left him today
  • My husband is a hardcore gamer, but I am too. I've been wondering how the baby will affect my gaming time. I've been getting annoyed with his gaming lately but only because our bedroom is a wreck and he needs to go through his boxes of stuff and figure out what to keep and what to throw away so I'll be able to use the closet and walk to the crib, not walk on top of the bed to get to it. That and he said he would put away the 8 loads of laundry that I did at my mom's house, but they're still in the bags. That was like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Argh!
  • Hi I'm Debra and I'm a ps3 widow. Also known as a single mother with *well usually* financial support lol. Babies don't really interest him so no help there. The toddler is now getting daddy time so I guess interest starts really sinking in at two and a half esh. Which really I'm cool with *because hes generally ok about making dinner, its not always good but the toddler idolizes him so he actually eats*
  • @victoriab I was heavy into games with my first as soon as he had the head control I would put him in a front faceting sling and he would watch the pretty colors. It was a workable system. I would do the same with this one but I can't find a game to really get into atm
  • @beaded_bunny
    Once Achilles can sit up, I'm gonna put a controller in his teeny little hands ;)
  • Ohhhhh wait. Is he waiting for the gears of war 3?? Lol mine is so freaking stoke for it he even has the gears symbol tattooed on his friggin ARM. And proud of it. He's going to stand in line next Tuesday for almost 12 hrs just to get his. Preordered copy. He told me hes going to be doing mothing but playing it until the baby comes and thats Oct 23rd I told him he'd netters not b playing all the fucking time after the baby is here bc I will sell the damn thing. For wayyyy less than its worth.
  • don't get me.wrong I love gaming with him but he is obsessed with that game and I've tried playing with him but I suck big time. I play my ds lol pokemon while he plays his gears. and I'm going get a Easter for the baby when its old enough bc its like a mini game system
  • Haha this just reminded me of a funny incident, when my daughter was about 20mnths she kept trying to get daddys attn. Nd he was bz playing madden, well she was obviously getn frustrated becuz she was being ingnored, she went into her room n came out with my 5 yr olds plastic golf club nd wacked him n the head wit it.... I don't promote violence but I couldn't stop myself Frm lmao... now I knw Wat to do when being ingnored....
  • @kdaniels yes ma'am gears of war 3 well at least he has some time before the baby is born I'm due next Sunday and the same comes out this Tuesday wish ne luck! I totally don't mind watching him play and ill laughter at how mad he gets if he loses or hear them talk smack to each other lol but I think I need to get me a ds that could work lol. I can already hear him the baby wants to get the new call of duty so we need to get it for her lol
  • Hahaha Yeaa I love hearing him get so pissed and talk shit bc there's nothing he can really do but talk shit its cute and funny. I had to buy a used ds but there's a ton in the Gamestops around here bc that new 3D ds just came out and all the kiddos are trading their old ones in. I don't want 3D anything that shit gives me a headache. Lol my hubby has his own little clique on gears too like five or ten guys and their wives he always plays with and one of the wives just had a baby a week ago so it'd funny to hear them talking shit to eachother bc now only ones on and the other is watching the baby. Good luck! I'm excited for u!
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