thoughts on first trimester diagnostic tests for birth defects?
Like chorionic villus sampling where they take part of the placenta to test the babies dna for defects.
Amniocentesis where they take some embreotic fluid test skin cells and can be 99% sure of defects in the baby before birth.
Both have a slight chance of misscarrige and some ppl don't want to know if there child with half down syndrome or some life threating disorder.
My partner wants to do it and know for a fact if something is wrong. The military will pay for mine, would you go for it out of pocket if you wanted it bad enough?
Amniocentesis where they take some embreotic fluid test skin cells and can be 99% sure of defects in the baby before birth.
Both have a slight chance of misscarrige and some ppl don't want to know if there child with half down syndrome or some life threating disorder.
My partner wants to do it and know for a fact if something is wrong. The military will pay for mine, would you go for it out of pocket if you wanted it bad enough?
9 months, plus the risk of miscarriage scared us.
I am not trying to scare anyone when I say this but to think you won't have a child with down syndrome because it doesn't run in your family is naive. I am living proof...i was 33, no medical issues, none detected with the baby...i delivered at 36 wks and an hour after she was born we were told that she displayed the physical characteristics of downs. Since I am prego with #3 I have learned what happened with our daughter was completely spontaneous like winning the lottery.
So if your concerned, do the nuchal ultrasound and see if there are markers and go from there