What can you bby do at his/her age?

edited September 2011 in Babies
I have a 3 mnth old bby girl and would like to share some things she has developed at her age.. My chunky monkey loves to be talked to she says acoo after soo many tries... She loves her swing and takes frequent naps throughout the day. She drinks 5oz every 2-3hrs.. I would like to start slowly introducing bby cereal but Im not sure... what do you mommies think? Shr still cant hold a toy for long, nor can sit up alone... Is that something to worry about? Oh she sleeps ALL nite... I miss the feedings thru nite... jijiji

Please share what you bby can do! Lets exchange ideas suggestions on what youve done with bby?
Ex: playtime, storytime, sitting, feeding etc..


  • My sons 7 weeks he hold and shakes his rattles for very short periods then throws it. Will take his binky out and do the same. He loves his tummy time jungle mat. Will watch himself in the mirror for long periods of time. Coos a lot. Eats 3 oz every 2 hours. And gets up 2-3 times a night. And rolls over tummy to back and back to tummy ocasionally.
  • edited September 2011
    My son will be 4 months next week. He eats about 6oz per feeding. He jumps around in his jumperoo, chews his hands, smiles a lot, coos, belly laughs and is starting to roll from back to tummy. He crys when it's time to get out of the bath and he's very nosey. I'll start giving him cereal around 4 1/2-5 months. Most of the time he sleeps through the night.
  • O and he's started smiling when things are funny to him. Like when I give him a raspberry, or daddy does boop the binky. (Places it next to his mouth then takes it away as he tries to grab it. )
  • My son is 11days old he can lift his head and smile! :-) he also very frequently pee's poops and sleeps! Lol but he also likes to poop n pee on me quite often as well! Lol
  • @mommyof3tobe i just got pooped on yesterday. It was not nice lol
  • Oh my bby pees on me everyyyy diaper change... And she thinks its funny when her pee wets her tummy... Silly girl!!
  • My daughter is 10 weeks old. She holds her head up, smiles and coos, sits up in her bumbo or Boppy. She recognizes people and loves meeting new faces! She sleeps through the night and takes short naps during the day. She's just starting to figure out her hands and play with toys. She eats 4-5oz of formula 3-4 times a day and breastfeed the rest of the time. She's a good little baby, although im convinced she doesn't really like me much :-S
  • @rockinmomma - my daughter is 10 weeks (bday 7/6) and she's doing the same things although she's exclusively formula fed. She's also rolling from her back to her side when she's in bed or on a pallet.

    Why do you think she doesn't like you much?
  • My son is 4 1/2 months old! (gosh time flys by :( ) he eats rice cereal every morning and every night, about 4-8 oz every 2-3 hours. He sleeps from 9p.m to 6-9 a.m. he can hold up his head. He rolls from back to tummy. He does it in his sleep now. We put him in sleeper bag ljke thing and its supposed to make it so they cant roll. Maybe 2 hours after that he rolled in it while sleeling :( so now hes been sleeping in his swing. His pediatrician was no help! He has two bottom teeth (cut his first tooth at 3 months) can almost hold his bottle by himself. He is trying to crawl. Helearned to put his legs under his butt and he kicks... Alot. Lol. Uhm I think thats it.

    Talk to your ped. Before giving her rice cereal. I started a week early bc he wasnt satisfied with a bottle. We mix a little bit of apples in with it and he LOVES it. They prefer that she can hold her head up, and that she's a supported sitter. Its okay if she doesnt hold a toy that long yet. :) good luck.
  • My daughter is 5 and a half months now and she can sit up on her own (with the odd accident!) and she can hold her head, she can hold toys well, she drops them on purpose too. She coos and is starting to try and copy noises we make, she loves blowing raspberries! Haha, she really enjoys her food, eating rusks, blended down fruit and dinner. Still getting her used to drinking baby juice but going well. She is building a lot of strength in her legs and tries to move when led on her front - she is a master roller too. :) Good luck to all your babies in their future development.
  • my son is 8wks old and has his days and nights confused...he sleeps most of the day no prob..jus up to eat...then cries ALL night! :( i dont get much interaction out of him in the daytime! i feel like im missing out! :'(
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  • My daughter is 4 months old and she baby talks like crazy she also loves playing on her play mat and pulls all her toys when she sleeps she desnt roll on her tummy but she wiggled alot like she will start on one side and end up on the other hehehe she also sleeps through the night and eats about 4-5 oz every 3 hours and she loves holding up the number one hehehe
  • @everyone... Our babies are growing fast!! Thank you for replying to this post...God Bless Each and Everyones baby!! May you.continue.to cherish every minute with baby
  • My son is 8 weeks tomorrow (born at 40+4). Could turn himself over from belly to back and vice versa since week 2, holds vowel conversations with us since week 6. He could already kind of hold his head up at birth and he loves being held while he bounces with his legs. At week 4 he started smiling at things while awake(he already was smiling in his sleep). He is already trying to cut a tooth. :(
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