Nipple really craked and bleeding alot ????

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Ok so I have my left boob that really bad and craked and yesterday I try feeding lo trough that one and omg it hurts so bad and I was bledding really bad to that I had to stop cause baby was drinking my blood anyways I decided to pump from that one abd bf from ther other one until it heals my question is how long does it take to heal ?


  • My baby is 3.3wks.. my left nipple still hurts. Idk what to do to make it better. Although its not cracked and bleeding anymore. Its ok if she drinks from it even when its bleeding, I know its painful though. I cried plenty.
  • Put lots of lashilon ointmenton your nipples. It helps so much and is safe to have it on and baby to nurse. Put it on after every feeding. Its a tough process to toughen those things up! Keep with it ladies!
  • nipple shield is what saved my life!!
  • Lots of lanolin and compresses. I would try a nipple shield though. You may have to feed through the pain. Your baby isn't latching right, and that is why it is cracked. You need to see a lactation consultant soon to help you with proper latching or you will continue to hurt.
  • @everyone he latches fine now and I got a nipple shield and still hurts like a bitch
  • Soak your nipple in your milk for a few days also
  • My nipple got like that when I attempted to pump. I know it might sound weird but My aunt told my mom to melt butter and have me put some on while it was still hot, and to dab some on a tissue and stick it in my bra. It healed it soo fast. I seriously didn't think it would work but it did.
  • After this feeding, I'm trying the above!

    I'm sure I'm supposed to wipe it off before she feeds again? @mommy2b06
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  • How do u know when your baby isblatching right? Im breastfeeding to and pumping also, but my nipples are really sore. When he suck on them nd afterwards thyblook red nd blistered , i guess from him sucking too hard. Is he latching alright? Also, how do u get your boobs to get from rock hard to soft again?

    Sorry if i asked to many questions or took over, i jus need a lil help.
  • Ughh breastfeeding can be so hard!!! I'm am really sorry u have to deal with that much pain! Try seeing a lactation consultant.
  • @color_pink0923 well I spoke to 2 diffrent LC and they told me I was doing it fine and only one nipple is bledding abd hurts the other one is fine dosent hurt at all make sure baby making fish lips when on nipple .

    Is it bad if I just pump.from the one that sore and breastfeed from the other one till it heals?
  • @dmaciel i dnt think there is anything wrong with that
  • if baby is latching correctly it should only hurt in the very beginning of feeding and then ease up. it might be uncomfortable but shouldnt be extremely painful. and to help with engorgement feed often. you can also try pumping in between feedings. @Color_pink0923
  • @dmaciel its fine to pump from the sore one. i pumped from my right because the nipple was cracked bad, and then when it started to heal i went back to feeding on it. it hurt still but got much better as the days went by. i would still try to feed from it every once in a while just to keep baby used to feeding on that side. babies can favor one breast more than the other if you dont switch it up
  • There's also gel pads u can buy and put in your bra so ur nips aren't constantly rubbing up against ur bra!! I stored mine in the fridge which gave even more relief! Good luck!
  • @jazzi89 - Thank You so much. It only hurt in the beginning but after awhile it eases down.
  • youre welcome, sounds like baby is latching on good then. :) i promise bfing gets easier. my daughter is a little over 3 weeks and strictly bfing still. @Color_pink0923
  • Yup wipe it off.
  • My mom says after every feeding make sure i wipe my boons with warm water and plenty of nipple cream so they wont crack or get dry. I still have 3wks and 5days till im due so i haven't tried yet. Just giving my mothers suggestions from when she breast fed.
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