just came from the dr BAD NEWS!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hey everyone I don't reaaly post I just read I'm the one that posted a couple of months ago about the accurecy about home pregnancy test!! I went to the dr today because I started spotting last night!! I'm 12 weeks!! The dr tried to listen to the heart beat!! But nothing!! I went to get an ultrasound done!! I went back to the dr and they told me my baby stop developing at 8 weeks 1 day!! The worst part is that I have to wait for the body to exposse of my baby!! It is so sad!!! I was so happy about this baby I was waiting for it!! But things happened for a reason!!!

Take you guyz best wishes to everyone and good luck with each and every pregnancy out there!! I'm gonna go ahead and delete the app I don't need it and its going to be to painful to have it!!
Thanks bye


  • Oooh hun, I'm so sorry to hear that. Best of luck to u in the future. God bless
  • Oh my, I'm so sorry..
  • sorry for your loss, hopefully you overcome this soon.
  • My SIL is going threw the same thing but here stoped at 10w and she's still waiting for her body to do its clean out i hope ur okay and sorry for ur loss i couldn't imagine what it feels like :(
  • Am sry for the loss. Its hard n I know s harder to have ur app good luck
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  • I'll keep you in my thoughts And prayers. Sorry for your loss.
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  • Have you read the book" Heaven is for Real"? It's a true story about a 4 year old who died in surgery went to Heaven and came back to tell about it. While he was in Heaven he met a little girl but he didn't recognize her. When he asked who she was she said I'm your sister! I died in mommy's tummy. When the little boy was telling his parents about Heaven he mentioned this to them but they'd never told him about the MC. He said mommy you don't have to be sad anymore- God adopted her and she's in Heaven now. I hope this gives you comfort! God bless!
  • Im gonna read that.book.... tears....
  • So sorry for your loss
  • So sorry that Ur going thru this. Hope everything works out for u
  • So sorry about the baby :( Idk what I would do if it happened to me again I've had two miscarriages n its hard. Wow sounds like an awesome book!
  • I'm so very sorry!
  • Hey ladies!! Thank you for all your support and wishes!!
    @ElleMarie thanks for the book!! I really don't want to go out but my mom went to the store and she got me the book!! Gonna start reading it!! Thank you for everything!!
  • This is horrible :( My best friend just found this out also (yesterday) it was her 20 week gender appointment.. she's too far along to miscarry so she has to be induced & have the baby.. I'm praying for you!
  • @broja9623 you're welcome! Prayers are with you all!

    @mommy3 how is your friend? I thought I heard somewhere that babies can possibly survive then. Prayers with her and her baby!
  • @ElleMarie, she had to call today (yesterday since its now thurs) & they told her she can have a surgical procedure done or be induced.. she told them she'd let them know. & then we talked until she fell asleep. She's really crushed/shocked/scared & I'm not sure what she'll do.. I just hope she stays strong & thinks of it as if God needed her angel more than the world did ya know? I've been a hot mess myself, I can't imagine being in this situation. Really breaks my heart for anyone who goes through this tragedy! & thank you for asking about her!
  • Im so sorry to hear that. This brings tears to my eyes cuz I know its hard. But I know ur baby is with God in heaven. Be strong and God bless u.
  • Hey ladies!! Everything is done!! I started feeling bad on Wednesday more bleeding and cramping so I went to the hospital they did an ultrasound and they told me the same thing!!! I stayed the night and yesterday they did the surgery and now I'm back home!! I'm really sad I don't know what I'm going to do I wanted this baby so much I was trying for like a year!! But the only thing that helps me is my little princess my 2 year old daughter and my hubby!!

    Thannk you guyz so much for all your support take care!!
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