Things i should buy that i won't get at baby shower?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first baby so I don't really know what to expect at my baby shower. What are some things that I should start getting that I won't get at my babyshower?


  • I would wait and see what you do get
  • idk but i saw this really cute thing..if you don't get one find one.....its a little mesh sack with a ring on it you can put fruit in so toddlers can suck the juice out of strawberries, grapes and so on without having to worry if they are going to choke! saw them at Target...
  • Yes, I would wait and see what I would get. Do your shower like 2months early so you'll still have time to go shopping. I have been buying clothes that were on sale. No newborn or 0-3 month though, cause those are the clothes sizes that people buy. I buy 6months and up and store it. Buy little things. Burp clothes, wash cloths, socks, eetc etc. Stuff that you need more then one set of.
  • @vanalkr , I had one of those with my first one. He loved it, but he loves fruits and still does.
  • I would suggest diapers, wipes, and breast pads. And the outfit you want to bring the baby home in. I always get my babies a stuffed animal, as well. Something special, from me, that i can tell them they've had since before they were born. You shouldn't really get anything else, you'll probably get lots of stuff at your shower and you can always stock up afterward on what you don't get.
  • I think i'm going to stock up on baby detergent. I love dreft
  • This is also my first I've been looking at a lot of stuff but mostly I've jus been buying pjs n sleepers n stuff...I dnt really kno wat to buy either
  • @vanalkr my daughter had one of those mesh things. It was great! It also helped with teething by adding frozen fruit. I def recommended it.
  • I like using clothe diapers for burp rags they work awesome!
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