2 and 4 and up year old taking anti depressing medication wtf

edited September 2011 in Health
wow i never even though abt that how the fuk do u diagose a 2 year old for depressing disorder and bipolar wow!!!! :-?


  • I read an article some yrs ago that they are now testing kids at a younger and younger age for mental disorders and depression.
  • ugh dont get me started!! im against med for add, adhd, depression, bipolar anything like that!! it just makes it worse! you might start out with just add but then years later you bipolar!! my brothers at the age of 4 and 5 started taking meds of add cause the teacher though they were to hyper! hello they are freaking 4 and 5 they are going to be hyper and not sit still!!! and now at 20 and 21 they are bipolar! okay vent over lol
  • @proundmommy8789 wow! i never even though u can give those kinds of drugs to kids! bahaa! nobody is giving my kid shit for bipolar or depressing shit! at a young age. i say its all business and money they have kids 4 year ols dying from zoloft and other stuff ugh ridicules
  • @kayleigh27 ugh that depressing it self!
  • children who have"ADD" can just drink caffine(sp) drink and that will hlep them stay focus. if my chilren end up with something along those line i will find anything natural that will help!
  • I don't think children that young should ever have meds. However having family members who are bipolar medication is definetly needed for them.
  • wow... I wonder how they diagonse that stuff at such a young age and if its necessary when they're so young!
  • My nephew is psychotic, adhd, and bipolar. He's 6.
  • Thats what my sons school is trying to say that maybe your son needs to be put on medication. Because they would rather have the kids drugged up so they dont have to deal with them because they will be completly out of it.
  • My neighbors 12 yr old son was diagnosed with bipolar at 2 yrs old...he tried to kill himself...crazy
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