Feeling like a BF failure :(

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Breast feeding isn't working out for me and my LO. I've tried pumping but I can't get enough out and end up having to try breast feeding to only be in pain and frustration. My mom keeps telling me to not let anyone make me feel bad if I were too stop BF but it's mostly me that feels bad. I guess im looking for others who may have gone thru this and what helped you?


  • Have u tried diff positions?? Maybe baby isn't latching on that good. Do u have wic? They have a.lactation consultant
  • How long have you been bfing?
  • yea how long?? the first 2 wks can be the hardest..
  • @adri805 I have wic and have seen the LC. She was wonderful and really helped. And gave me a pump. But my baby girl for some reason hurts me even though she seems to be latched right. Ive tried a few different positions

    @bahamamama4828 its only been 2 weeks :/

  • It was good for a day or 2 then we relapsed :/
  • Don't feel bad like ur mom said if u want to give it up but if u wna continue trying I say go for it.
  • I could never get my son latched on... I was soooo upset... So he was formula fed from 4 weeks (i pumped for the first 4 weeks) and he is now a happy healthy intelligent 2yo... Dont feel bad if bf just doesnt work for you and you decide to go formula. I wish you the best of luck and hope the pain eases soon so you can feed and enjoy it with your bubs
  • Have you tried using a nipple shield? My little boy appears to latch on right but still hurts me so I bought nipple shields and they help a lot!
  • @tinka1326 thanks for your words for encouragement :)

    @mom3be I haven't tried nipple shields. Im terrified about formula feeding. But at the same time I know deep down that's what I'd rather do for my own selfish reasons.

    I also think to myself I'd like to feel like my own person again. I mean, pregnancy was hard, labor was really hard (all natural), and recovery is painful and heartbreaking. I want my body back.
  • The same thing happened to me...my daughter just would not breast feed. I pumped but nothing would come out. So I had to feed her formula. She's had 2 breast milk bottles a day for 2.5 weeks so that's something. But now my supply is even lower. So I'm thinking about just having her on all formula.
  • I unfortunately am not bf. I had wanted to bf exclusively. My little girl latched okay for the first 2 days and then refused to latch even with a nipple shield. I've even gone to a LC and all. It's just like she refuses to even attempt the boob. She gets so frustrated. I try to pump every day but I get less than 2oz a day. I mean at least she gets that but I cried myself to sleep the first night out of the hospital because I was so upset. I don't feel so bad now. I've tried so much to get this to work. Don't feel bad, at least you tried, you baby will be plenty healthy though. Heck my father was formula fed and he grew 4inches and 4lbs in 4 wks at about 3-7wks..From the looks of it my little girl might be the same way...Her pedi told me I was over feeding her and that she is growing at 2x the rate of other children her age...She doesn't spit up and I try everything else before I feed her if I know she was just fed...She's just a very quick grower like the rest of my family =p
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