How many october mommys are left?



  • I'm still here :) due October 20th :) I hope she comes sooner though being pregnant is painful !
  • Here still but I thought yesterday was the day... guess not. Due the 7th. I want him to wait till Oct cause I have a Sept baby already.
  • My due date is the 4th & that's also my induction date if she doesn't come on her own. I'm in pain & can't wait to meet my princess.
  • due oct. 21
  • @2ndbutfirst
    I lost my mucus plug today!
    It was gros lol
  • @littlefae I think I lost mine Sunday morning like at 1am. But I'm not sure. It was two pieces of pink stuff. One piece was bigger then the other. Idk if that's what it was...wut did urs look like
  • @adri805 like huge globs of snot. Each wipe the piece was bigger. Also mine was bloody but it was old blood from the cervical check yesterday. Lol it was gross
  • @littlefae does that mean labor is close?
  • @adri805 it can but at the same time no. but it does mean youre probably dilating and your body is getting ready. :)
    I try not to get to excited, I had a friend who was.4 cm dilated.and 80% efaced for four weeks and be induced.
    It is a sign that your body is doing things though which is good. Just not a sign that you'll have your baby before your due date.
  • @littlefae ahhh ok that makes.sesnse
  • im still here due oct 22 im having alot of back pain at nights and go pee about seven times during night when I'm sleeping lol i am so over being prego and just want to meet my little girl: -)
  • @2ndbutfirst - I thought I might have lost mine and just not notice it but nope there it was today. It took everything in me not to gross my husband out and show him.

    @Adri805 hopefully we have our babies soon though!
  • @adri805 I didn't make it to the appt. My water broke at 4:30 am. Had my lil man at 5:31 p.m. I was 5cm when I got to L&D. started having contractions and it went on all night until water broke. They were never consistent so I waited. I'm so glad lil man is here. 6lbs 1 oz. 18 1/2 in.
  • @lovtra Congrats!!!!!!!!!! Omg,.did u do n e thing such as walking, bouncing on.ball?
  • Still till 21st...I'm sorry were feeling the pain we do but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone..these days are dragging & so is my body. :(
  • I'm still here
    Due Oct 13 2wks ago I was 2cm dilated
    I'm so miserable these days r goin so slow ready to drop this load
    bout to get ready for my appointment @2
    And I made 37wks today yaaaaay me!
  • I'm due 10-11 but I'm now 37 weeks 2 days! My baby moves a lot like he has tons of room to move. I'm going to get an ultrasound tomorrow,to see where my baby's head is located. I'm super tired now all I do is sleep and not eating as much now. But just a week ago when I was 36 weeks I had a burst of energy and I cleaned my place like I lost my mind. Now I'm too tired to do anything! Can't wait to me my boy! Any moms in LA?
  • Im here. Due oct 1.
  • I'm due Oct.15th, but probably being induced on Monday because my amniotic fluid is to low. Really wanted an October baby, but excited to meet my little boy.
  • @Brilouie216 thats my baby shower date lol
    @bama14126 that sucks you wont have an october baby but that is great that you are going to meet him soon keep me updated on what happens and I will pray for you and your family
  • I'm due Oct 2nd ! I'm anxious ready to get the l&d part over with ...
  • im due oct 4th, i have not been checked to see if i am dialated or anything (hopefully next weeks appt) and my dr wont induce.... im am so freakin ready to see him and give him hugs and kisses :)
  • Yay baby showers are fub
  • This is my first I cant wait @Brilouie216
  • Had my drs app and now im 1 cm thats it.. i really hope i wont need to be induced but i have until the 12 before my dr makes me..
  • Well, my baby has dropped a lot! Lol I walked a lot today, got pressure and inconsistant cramping. But that's it
    Tomorrow, hubby and I are thinking of going to The Mall of America to walk around and eat :)
  • I just had my second for my little girl.
  • Sorry I didn't make it to october I'm having a september oh and having to high of an epadural and passing out for over an hour isn't fun when you wake up and can't move or feel any part of your body
  • Due oct 14th but I go in today to find out if I have started dilating yet... Im hoping she says I have... This whole lack of sleep body aches feeling like my vagina is about to fall off is getting old... plus im ready for this little princess to be in my life
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