Things you just dont say to a pregnant woman!

What's the worst thing someond has said to you so far?

These comments have annoyed me:

"Just don't use (insert name) because I want to use it!"
-really?! You aren't pregnant, not even in a relationship, not engaged, not married, don't try to claim names on me!

"Wow! You're so big!"
-really?! Jeeze, thanks...that just made me feel great! How the heck are you supposed to respond to that?

"Oh, don't worry you'll lose all that weight once the baby arrives. You'll be looking back to normal soon!"
-really?! And what if I don't...will I look abnornal? How bad do I look now???


  • "Just dont give your baby some crazy name!"
    -excuse me..but I believe you already had the chance to name your kids! Let me name mine plz!
  • "Oh, you registered at XYZ? Well, I don't do registries." Ugh!
  • "You are problematic and whiney." Just said to me by my boyfriend even though he says he was joking.... Really? You try having a high risk pregnancy and still working forty hours a week and cooking and cleaning and shopping and you not whine a little bit ugh jerk
  • "Your too young to have a baby, and so soon" so what if im 20 I don't regret one thing:)
  • are you sure your only haveing one.. lol..
    whens your due date.. my answer.. a pause from them and then a .. wow.. i dont think your gonna make it..
    oh dont worry its all belly.. after saying how huge you are..
    oh sweety its just a lil swelling in the face...

  • "Do you want your kid to get picked on?"

    Because of the names that I picked that aren't even crazy! I told her..."Are you going to push this baby out of your vajayjay?" Obviously she said no and I told her she didn't have a say then.
  • And for us bigger families..."omgosh, you're pregnant again?"

    -Yeah, baby #5...but I guess maybe next time I'll ask if it's okay with you if we expand our family
  • "oh I forgot you're on an expensive diet"

    -No I'm pregnant! And theres things I was told was not safe to eat

    " you sure its not another baby hiding in there"

    -Two words. Fugg you.
  • Got told the other day... "omg you are going to have twins I just know it you are soooo big" ummmm wtf I'm almost seven months and I look not even five. I'm 5'4 & weigh 126 pounds where are you seeing these twins??? In my boobs maybe stupid people...
  • "you will probably just be another statistic"
    (because me & my bf arent married yet) YET being the key word! Dont judge my situation if you dont even know me!
  • @mimii36 here's a comeback " statistically people who say dumb sh*t like that get throat punched "
  • @cristinalynn that one kills me everytime lol again??? Our youngest is 3 and their tone makes it sound like we JUST had a baby lol
  • Oh you stole my name. Really I dont ever even talk to you and had no idea you liked that name and you dont even know if you Ever want to have more kids!

    You look like a beached whale! Wtf whats your wifes excuse she way biger than me and their youngest is in 1st grade! Ive only gained 12 pounds and im due sat!

    Lots more but im done for
    Stupid people!
  • @junebuggbabie85 lol. I wanted to cuss them out! Im a waitress so I have to deal with those types of comments ALL the time! The same customer even said "he wasnt doing something right. He needs to be taught how to be a man" (because we are having a girl instead of a boy first) & "your bf doesnt need to let you come back to work in 6 weeks. If he cant take care of you then you shouldnt have his baby" ( bf isnt LETTING me do anything! Im choosing to go back to wrk if thats what I decide! & who the hell says he cant take care of me just because I work)
  • "You look cute pregnant"
    - so I'm ugly when I'm not pregnant?
  • Oh man you gaining weight I'm so happy ....
    Excuse me I don't want to gain weight helloooooooo
  • Another girl ???
    Wtf people think cause I have 2 girls I can't have a baby boy
  • "I'm just waiting until you weigh more than me, that'll be my day!" (-best friend. Who is male and weight lifting. Thanks, ass)

    "I'm exhausted!" (-bf, countless times)

    "I bet you feel like a whale" -random douche at work
  • @mrs_shu I know...our youngest is 3 also lol my Mom told me I'm crazy, until I made her realize she has just one child less then I's just funny how people think sometimes.

    @2girls_1boy I have 4 girls...and everyone loves to tell me I'm having another girl because well...they don't think I can have a boy...excuse me?? Please come a little closer when you talk to I can ***** smack you!!
  • 'You'll never make it to September' well I'm now 5 days over due!

    'You still here?' well I'm not some kind of mirage

    'Have you had the baby yet' one more person asks me that i will flip!

    'Any signs' same has above

    'I think its twins' i don't think so

    'Your baby's going to be huge' how the hell do you know?

    And everyone including my mum, sister, aunt, his mum and dad and grandma seems to think we ain't going to tell them when I'm in labour or had him constantly textin/ringing to see if he's here yet! then they get all defensive when we say no we'll let you know don't worry
  • edited September 2011
    Haha @samiuk ALL OF THE ABOVE!! Lol
    It's mainly the "you not had it yet?" Err...why? You think its normal to carry this much weight out front?! Do I usually look like this? Am I pushing a pram? No! Then I would safely say I have not yet given birth!!
    Oh, and the constant updates required from family members :-) ! argh! Did I not tell u all we would let you know?! Like we're not gonna tell u!! What makes it worse is that the main culprits are the ones that will be watching the other two kids.... so obviously bloody not! You'd have two of my children with u... Der.
  • @jennys3rd was tellin my mum other day that everyone annoying me and she's like well sorry i only care so my 7 year old bro who's autistic said i bet its annoying ain't it Sami, did people do it with you mam, she said yeah so he said did itmake you mad to? lol she started laughing and apologised to me, she's just excited bless her
  • Just had another one!
    "I reckon you'll have to be induced"
    Oh helpful!! And when did you get you midwifery degree?!
  • Omgeeee!!! People get on my NERVES if ihear.. OH WOW YOUR SOOOO SMALL TO BE 7 months(30 +4) Im gonna blow a fuse... obviously im fine my doctor tells me im right on track with my weight gain and that my uterus is exactly where it needs to be and that her heartbeat is strong... so if iwas "too small " im sure my doc would be thee first person to tell me something is wrong.. so THANX to all thee people out there who keep telling me im small im sure yu all went to MED SCHOOL!!!
  • @samiuk Haha bless her. you can understand it I suppose but, when your brother has more of an understanding of how it makes u feel, it makes u wonder why Noone else can grasp it :-)! I've had 3 of the main culprit questions already this morning and we've not even set off for school yet! LEAVE ME ALONE
  • Haha. AGREED!
  • I got 4calls in one day "making sure I hadn't had the baby yet" yes cause that's something I would forget to mention when we talk everyday
    "Well make sure you call me when you go into labor" how bout no. I didn't even tell you the right hospital couldn't just "stop by cause you were in the area"
    "You must drop your son off at my house when you go into labor" you.must be freaking kidding me that you expect me to double the length of my drive so you can 'help out' by watching my son. Thus significantly increasing my chances of having the baby in my car *screw that I have leather seats*
    "Wow you've gained so much weight its never going to come off after shes born" I've lost 11lb and im due sunday thank you very much. I'm going to be down 20-25 by the time this is done just by having the baby and loosing the extra blood.
    Heh I could keep this up all night
  • "Your baby is a boy no doubt about it"
    (Even though I had a million gender checks stating that its positively a girl)

    "Your baby is guna look like ....."
    (No body knows who my princess is guna look like yet!! )

    "It would be great if you go in on your sisters birthday, they would be considered twins just 7 years apart"
    (No no no! I'm positive my lil sister don't wana share her birthday that's her time to shine and my baby needs her time to shine as well and just kuz they maybe might have the same birthday don't make them twins!!!!)

    Ugh I can go on for hours..
  • Old pt of mine.

    "Do both of your kids have the same father?"
    me "Yes, they are both with my husband."
    Old fart "wow, that's great"

    Then last wk my hubby called me his ump lumps like that's supposed to be cute. Ugh
  • At a resturant...."do u need a table or can u fit in a booth".....really? :O
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