So upset..i think,its best to move on

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So my bf decides to start in at 3am and tells me this is HIS house and to be a single mom,on my own. Because Im on, in his eyes Im talking to guys. Ive never cheated nor given him reason to think I have. He decides to yell louder and louder saying he doesnt care if he wakes my daughters up and also says my best friend who is driving 3 hours to watch the girls for me is not staying here now. He claims he doesnt care about my daughters. I went in my three year olds room to sleep,on the floor like I have been so im not in HIS room or bed and he.decides to come in here and keep running his mouth. I have made the decision to have my c section on Tuesday alone now since I have no family or friends around here and dont want him staying in,the room overnight. I have been a horrible moody person these past 9 months but dont deserve to be treated this way, nor do my kids need to be around it. He says hes not paying child support either and.that if our son will be such a burden, hes taking him from me. Im sick on top,of all this and have barely slept more than 2 hours for the past 9 days. Now Im stressed and feel so alone. We moved up here for him and this is what we get...Im tired of pretending hes so great. I just want to cry and have no clue what to do.


  • Sweatheart he is a nasty controlling bully. You need to get away from him before he.seriously hurts you or your children. I have come across men like him before and he is.showing classic signs. Please be strong. Do you have any family? It doesn't matter where they are. Have your little boy and then get somewhere safe. Think of your children. X be strong x
  • ok. First take it easy breath n explain to him how u feel n wat he feels. U guys need to talk about n yes he is wrong to let u sleep on the floor while u pregnant. Hope things get better for u.
  • Aw hun... I'm so sorry. I don't know what your other options are but I think you should follow your own advice and move on. You are not alone and we're all here for you if you need to talk. Don't let him knock you down. You WILL be happy again
  • Have that baby and get out if it doesnt get better. U deserve better hunny! That is too stressful and it can get worse. Try to tlk to him tell him ur stressed Nd moody cuz ut pregnant but if he yells and is rude... F him. U dont want ur babies seeing that. My mom was yelled at anf beaten when I was young. (not saying he'll hit u) but it sucks to see ur mommy sad and hurt. Its scarring. And fyi court will make him pay child support. I am soooo srry u are going thru this do u have fam that u can go to in another town if u have to leave him?
  • I have to agree with cheryl if this is something thats been going on for a while and he's not changing you needed to not only think if your safety but your children. Even if you think he would never physically harm asnt if you emotional abuse is just as bad.
  • U gotta get outta there ASAP. Have your friend help u maybe u could stay with her for a bit. I pray things get better for u
  • My family lives almost three hours away from here. Unfortunately none of them can come up until the day after surgery and my step dad says we cant stay there no matter what. Ive known my bf since high school and everyone used to say what a loser and jerk he is, but I didnt listen. If anything, Ill have to go to a shelter temporarily. This isnt the first time hes done this and wont be the last so I need to be strong. Thanks for your support everyone. You dont know how much it means to me.
  • Oh no get out asap don't let him know ur goin yo a shelter tho. He is jerk n he will tell the courts n they can take the baby away not to stress u about it. I think am not to sure. Keeo
  • Keep ur head up n be strong
  • Thinking of u and the baby hun, no woman deserves to be treated like that preggers or not, stay strong 4 u and your kids and when that baby comes get out, if it means a shelter untill u can get housing then that's what's best if your safe :) I hope everything works out ok in the end and u know u have all us pregly ladies to help u xxxxxxx
  • Wrll ur dad wouldnt let u and the kids stay? Or a friend or sibling..? But yes I agree if u go to a shelter dont tell him cuz he coukd even come try to find u when hes mad. I have been thru this and it is best to tell ur fam u need help and get out!
  • He is abusive and potentially dangerous-i don't see any court offering him the care of a newborn, even if you are in a shelter. Look for a battered women's shelter, they'll take you and your children and will have more appropriate help for you than any other type, not to mention the fact that being around other women who've been abused will offer you the kind of support that you need. Don't downplay what you've been through, either-he doesn't need to use his fists to abuse you or your daughters. if you're really concerned about him taking your son, get a pfa against him and submit your custody forms immediately, with your statement about his abusive behavior during your pregnancy and of his disregard for your daughters' saftey and well-being. good luck, and stay strong. You'll make it through this.
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  • That is a good thing to leave. With your friend there shecan assist with the children. Call a nearby churchthey often have rooms available on the premisis until you can get thestrength to leave. Ill be praying for you!
  • He sounds just like my soon to be ex husband we were ha sweet hearts no one likesd him said he was controling and hatefull...took me 9 dam yrs of miarrriage to figure that out but finally kicked him out was the best thing I ever did ...we have 2 boys together and he is threatimg to take them from me but hell will freez over befor that happens...he stalks me..drives by my house all hrs of the night...had my car towed...calls cops on me for stupid Shit...cops know be by name and I haven't gotton in any trouble with them they think he's a cyco and keep record of the calls so I cam use them in court...but on the brighter side I met a guy believer it or not he was accually of the sherriffs that came out on a call lol we hit it off quick he knew me from hs and said honestly I've had a crush on you since hs but you were allways up your exs a$$ my bf now he's the best and we are expecting..I am excited and happpy. Things will get better...idk what state your in tx and 99% of the time they side with the mom the 1% is for the drugies....if you need to talk om here situations sound the same...good luck and will be thinking about you tues :)
  • Good advice macgaw
  • Hunny I'm sorry your being treated like this. I have 3 children from a previous marraige and I have 1 child and 1 on the way with my new husband and if he EVER bad mouthed any of my kids I would be gone in a second. There are lots of places out there that can help with getting you outta this situation and if you have to talk to the police department about shelters that are available to you or talk to your doctor. Lots of prayers to you.
  • Men like that are simply insecure ... U as a woman value yourself and worry about anything but yourself and ur babys, and u as a mother have more rights with ur kids than he will ... I'm so sorry that u have to deal with a cold hearted person lots of prayers to u hopefully thing will work out for u .
  • I would lile to thank you all for your advice and support. I had a dr appointment yesterday and told her whats going on.Since I have such a small family and moving home temporarily is not an option, I talked to a family friend who has two houses. She said the kids and I can move in to one of here houses! She lives four hours from here and he would never find us. I once again have a feeling of hope. I really hope other women in similar circumstances have the strength to speak out and get some help. Nobody deserves to be treatef badly by someone who "loves" them.
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