I think it's an old wives tale too. Probably because after having a baby ones hair falls out like a shedding dog...due to hormonal changes. I don't think refraining from shampooing will prevent it from happening.
I'd b like, "Mom I had a baby. I didn't get a perm." lol :-D
Its an old wives tale *somewhere south American I think* that if you wash your hair the baby will sicken. I don't know really I just remember people were talking about it when we had all of the evil eye discussions
Im 4 months pp and im barely starting to lose hair. I washed my hair the next.day after my.c.section I hate not taking a shower! Lol my mom told.me not to cut my baby's fingernails until after I get.her baptized I was like 'uh no' lol
I'd b like, "Mom I had a baby. I didn't get a perm." lol :-D