So im taking my best friend to get an abortion.... UPDATE!!!! And an apology!! <3

First thing this morning at 7 am. I fully support her decision considering I know her situation, which I will say in bit... But I accidently let it skip to my hubbys parents and now his while family is sending me these stupid letter from fetus to mama and lecturing me about how abortion os murder and blah blah blah, I really just want to punch them all in the mouths... This poor girl got raped by a freaking meth head while she was drunk, haas a 7 month old son, who's father is a total pos. Her parents have abandon her, just moved out without telling get, leaving heer and her brothers to pay for the house that they wee in. leaving heer soon to be homeless to fend for herself.... Im not gonna lie, I would get an abortion too if I eere in her does right now so I'm supporting any decision she makes at this point. But im about to disown johns family, his mom is already not allowed to meet my son once born cuz she is a raging fake bitch, his dad s and his brother are the only two I like in the family, but ughhh seriously, everyone else can stock a fat one! Everyone seems to grrrrrrrrrr chitty way too close to when adrian its gonna be here, they need to keep in mind, if they want to bfe party oif his life they best bfe kissing my sssssss at this point!

God I hate my phones tonight! Sorry if this is all totypo'd to hell!


  • Why not adoption?? Abortion is murder. Im sure there is a couple out there that want a baby and will love it..
  • Them sending those things to you is out of line and really inappropriate.
    Its good your friend has you for support.
  • @karla_with_a_k she wouldn't be able to go threw with an adoption in the end, she doesn't have a strong mentality like that, and she has no way of raising another baby, she has a difficult time with the one she has now. Im looking at it as taking a life to save hers, considering I've already had to rescue heer out of a mental hospital cuz she tried to kill herself, she had waaaaaaayyy more on her plate than she can handle
  • *positive thoughts* to your friend hope she going to be ok no one know's what they would do in that position until they themselves are in that position, glad she has a friend like you
  • @mrs_shu for serious! They do not know the situation either and it just makes me smh. I feel like I need to be there for her threw this too cuz she is really the best friend I've ever had. Always there and supportive of me, and I love her to death.
  • @Samiuk thank you :) I really just hour she is going to be Okay, Cuz she is making a very hard decision at this point.
  • I feel bad for her even more so cuz she is very life so its eating her alive :( she is only 4 weeks tops, which makes it easier, but good god this girl haas been threw more than enough bs this last year!
  • What a shame. At the end of the day, its her decision, bad circumstances or not and I think its totally wrong for other people to preach. Turns out, her situation is awful on many levels and its a good job she has a good friend in u. I think it must have been so difficult for her to confide in you with being pregnant anyway and its great that she has your support. Being raped is traumatic enough and it sounds like she's got it really rough right now. I hope everything goes smoothly and things start to look up for her and her child x good luck x
  • @jennys3rd thank you, and fingers crossed everything turns out okay in the end.
  • Kudos to you for supporting your friend! I'd just tell his family that you understand their opinion but it isn't their decision and then block them. I can't stand people who are so stuck on pushing their agenda they can't see reality. Good luck!
  • Abortion is not the answer, she will regret it for the rest of her life. It sounds "ideal" but I hope mentally she can handle it. So many go into depression & become mentally unstable. I pray that she is ok in the end.
  • Good luck hopefully everything goes well with her I know if I were in her situation I would also get an abortion. You are such a good friend for taking care of her
  • You're a very good friend! Getting an abortion is very hard.. it's something she'll have to learn to live with. Make sure you're there for her after to talk to her and support her still. Good luck to your friend!
  • I personally don't agree w it but my sister had one and in glad she wasn't ready it takes a strong person to have one that's awesome that ur behind her in her decision shes going to need u! %%- for her
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  • I am glad she has someone to support her. But frankly this isn't about her anymore. It's about a little life. No matter how the baby got there... its not the point. The point is either she keeps the baby or does the big thing and gives it up for adoption. You gotta play the cards dealt to you. And hers was a crappy hand, but its not that babies fault. If you let her go through with this she will regret it her whole life. Just because someone hurt her doesn't mean that the chain of hurt needs to go on. Stop it here and keep that innocent child alive.
  • She is lucky to have you! If I was put in that situation I would want a good friend by my side! Abortion is a controversial topic but in the end its your friends choice..I'm pro choice..I could not have one myself but under certain circumstances such as its not the child's fault but its not your friends fault she was raped either, I would maybe think different if she was just out being a whore or something
  • @sunshinelove You are a very good friend. I will pray for both of you, I'm sure today will be emotional.
  • Im sure carrying a baby for 40 weeks by a monster that got on top of her and took advantage of her would make her depressed and mentally unusable as a friend i would support her decision too. Shes lucky to have u!
  • WHATEVER her situation is, I think you're a great friend for being supportive. I've been that friend too and was angered by all the judgements thrown at my friend.
  • @Ashleyfew Yeah, I don't think making decisions like that are easy, but they don't have to make someone unstable or depressed for the rest of their life.
  • Good thing you're there for her. At the end of the day, you have to make the best decision for you with the information given, pray that its the right one, and hope you have people to love and support you unconditionally. And that goes for every person, every situation.
  • Sorry to hear this. Ill be praying for her n the baby.
  • She is incredibly lucky to have a friend like you. It sucks that your mans family is being crazy. They don't have to support her decision by any means but they shouldn't be pushing their views on you so extremely. Some people need to keep their opinions to themselves especially when you have expressed that you don't want to hear them. Its fortunate that they have never been in such a terrible position but they will never understand the choice until its one they have to make.
  • @sunshinelove I admire the both of you and I'm a little disturbed about some of the intensely strong opinions being expressed. I understand that there is potential baby involved here but, seriously?! There is a really distressed mother with a 7 month old BABY to put before anything else. Those that are claiming depression and regret will set in need to open their eyes and view things from another point of view! She has been raped and the seed of this vile human bein impregnated her. the depression and resentment of having to carry that child for 9 months has the potential to cause much more mental abuse and physical problems than terminating a barely formed embryo for both the mother and her child. She's not in a position to carry and bring up another child... planned or not. This is her decision and I think she's been incredibly brave to take that choice. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision to make. Every decision in life should be judged on its own merit regardless. Everyone is different and I wish other people could understand that. Sorry...rant over. I'm all for avoiding abortion if possible but, there are circumstances where its the best decision to make. Only those who have to live with that decision have the right to judge and I'm sure she will ask herself all these questions at some point and make up her own mind whether she made the right choice. Thank god you are open minded and understanding
  • Good luck to her. U r being a good friend. What a crappy situation to be in. I really hope she has a good outcome.
  • I'm so glad ur sticking by your friend in her decision. This would be so much harder for her if she had no one to lean on. :)
    I'm sorry about family not understanding. I personally would just tell them to mind their own business. It is your friends choice and no one should try to talk her out of it
  • @jennys3rd I agree, everyone has their own opinions on abortion, but u can't sit here and try to talk someone out of it. Its her life, her decision.
  • Im glad you're there to support her. I agree with. @jennys3rd. Im not for abortion but I do believe it in some circumstances. Yeah its a crappy set of cards as someone put above but she's trying to make the best decision right now and that's not always the easiest decision
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