Exercise after delivery?

edited September 2011 in Health
I gave birth a week & 2 days ago. I had a normal delivery with a 2nd degree tear. I'm also pretty healed. I understand you're supposed to "take it slow" because of your uterus shrinking back to its normal size. I was wondering when is it OK to start working out again? I mean jogging, running, lifting weights to tone arms & doing sit ups/crunches. How soon can I start doing those work outs? I've left my doc a message & should receive response back in a few days, but I'm also curious what everyone else has gone through.


  • I would say 6 week pp. I waited 8 to be safe
  • It's not just your uterus shrinking back.. if you don't take it easy, your uterus can actually fall out because the ligaments that hold it in place are stretched out so bad. I would wait until at least 4 weeks, if not longer..
  • My OB said 6 weeks pp. I also had a vaginal delivery with a 2nd degree tear. I'm ready to work out now but I'm gonna wait til my 6 week pp check up to be safe. I'm 5 weeks pp on Tuesday.
  • @proudmama Yea I have my appt with my gyno 6wks from my delivery date. Figure she'll check how I'm doing then & let me know when kinda work outs I can do!

    @lucyloo288 I think I've heard of that (your uterus falling out) eeek! I'm def going to wait. I'm just anxious to start working out lol, but I know safety first.

    @kingsmama I'm planning to do the same :-)
  • It does happen.. my BIL worked in the ER once, and said a lady came in with a potato in her who-ha, to hold her uterus in!
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