


  • I will be 36wks tomorrow and I have gained about 30lbs or so. I was only supposed to gain like 20 cause I was overweight before I got preggo... Bur apparently the dr isnt worried, cause she hasn't said anything and I have been retaining water like its my job lol, so I am sure that contributes :)
  • Im 39 weeks & I've gained 20 pounds total. I'd say that's pretty damn good being that with my first I gained about 60.
  • My updated weight...35+1 and up 18 lbs
  • @uh_Lyss_uhh i think thats pretty good! I lost almost twenty and gained back to pre pregnancy weight and now ive gained 18 and ill be 38 weeks tomorrow! :( but its gotta be all baby.. @DreaMaria thats awesome!
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