
edited September 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm looking at options of birth control and I'm interested in implanon. Has anyone had experience with it or know of some one who has it or had it?


  • My sister had it. She said getting in implanted didnt hurt much at all. Neither did taking it out. You could feel it in your arm though, it your poked at it! Which I thought was kinda weird lol but she bled on it for a few months and got it removed. She didnt get sick on it or anything though! Its worth a try definitely. Just depends on if it works for you as an individual I guess!
  • I loved it. I had it for a year. 4periods that a super light panty liner was more then enough to take care of. No cramps. Still got moody but not bad.
  • DON'T DO IT!! Everyone I know who has had it bled for months and months and even became aniemic from all the bleeding and eventually had to get it removed.
  • I've heard a lot of bad things about the mirena. Worse than implanon so I'm very confused I know that you bleed a lot from both :/ @brittbeck how long did they last with it? @beaded_bunny lucky! Were you able to get pregnant fast afterwards? @usafwife21 that's the scarry part for me the whole surgically removal and surgicalltly putting it in lol
  • Its not really surgical, they nick your arm and they slide it under the skin..takes about 10-15 minutes to put in. The people I know who have it really like it, the only thing one complained about is the random spotting you can have from time to time
  • @kayleigh27 oh I thought it was like hands on surgical Haha! I'm really considering it now:)
  • Im gettimg the iud paragaurd non hormoneal.. Cause I have enpugh of my own hormones lol.. Had it for 6 yrs before I had my 2nd.. Got prego right after..
  • Lol nope its done in a clinical setting. Some people say they.don't even feel it when they get it
  • Yeah my sister said it didnt hurt at all! I would definitely consider it as well :)
  • I had it. I would not recommend it. It always felt weird BC it was so close to the skin and u can feel it poking out. I don't remember anything about heavy or light bleeding so im assuming it was pretty normal. The biggest reason I got rid of it was BC it was a weird feeling to me
    . When the Dr tried to take it out it got stuck. The incision ended up getting really infected and I have an ugly scare on my arm now.
  • Oh and I thought it hurt getting it in And taking it out. Sore for about a week maybe longer when it was infected
  • I got pregnant 5esh months after I took it out, but we didn't start trying right away
  • I jst went and got the implanon today, I was supposed to get the mirena but changed my mind... it took about 5min tops, they cleaned the area, gave u a shot to numb it, and thn the incision, a small cut like a paper cut, and then stuck in the implanon... it didn't hurt at all, my arms not sore yet, and honestly it felt like a pinch while she was pushn it in... so I really hope it works out for me, good luck cuz I was so stuck on wat to do btw I'm 9wks postpartum lol so I really put it off!
  • I really hated it. mood swings from hell , no sex drive at all. The only good thing was I had no periods at all. Plus if you have ovarian cyst can make them worse.
  • I had it it made my bladder weak I might do it again but I don't like the mood swings for the first few days its In
  • I have it and love it. I spotted a bit the day after then nothing after. So, so far so good.
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