Membranes stripped and

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
So i was 38weeks today at my appt i was still 3cm & 80% effaced so she stripped my membranes and told my husband an i to have intercourse, well i walked and bounced on my ball and then we had kinda rough sex and im now contracting every 5or 6 minutes and the pressure is crazy! Should i bounce on my ball or just lay here in the bed to see if they continue its been over an hour since they started.. Thanks ladies..


  • Why not keep bouncing if you still feel up to it.
  • My doctor told me if I have contractions 5 minutes apart for an hour that I need to go to L&D. Have they been that closer for the whole hour? Congrats.. it sounds like you are getting super close!
  • Keep bouncing! Seems like it could be the start of labor. Good luck.....
  • @1stWoodsBaby yeah here they said that too but i hate to go and get sent back home :( i had preterm labor and since then it seems that the contractions just dont dialate me anymore :( im also trying to see if they get stronger thats why i didnt know if i should bounce or lay here .. Thanka for ya'lls advice i may go bounce!
  • Oh okay, gotcha. I feel the same way about going in and getting sent home. I was having horrid contractions last night but wouldn't go in each because I don't want to get sent home. I agree with the other preglies.. go bounce!!
  • Did u bleed during or after sex?? I'm 2-3cm dilated n 70%effaced n I had my membrane stripped yesterday n all I've been doin is walking I'm scared to hv sex bc tha blood scares me..what u think? For u I think u should go in of they continue
  • Child thats the same thing that happened to me. I sat through contractions for four hours and I couldnt take it. Girl go in because you in labor. When you have contractions thats low and full of pressure you are bringing baby down with each one.
  • @New_Mommy2011 all i had after sex was brown blood and some mucus, but my dr told us to have intercourse so thats why i did it! And i will probably go on in if they continue bc the pain is killing me i just hope im progressing. Good luck and i dont think sex will hurt you.
  • No blood for me and it was rough to where I had tears. Then three hours later contractions woke me up @New_Mommy2011
  • @QweenNique i sure hope its labor i plan on going if they continue i bounced on my ball but geez it hurt like hell too so i guess laying down is what im gonna do.. Thanks for the info :)i will keep updating..
  • Instead of laying down try sitting up and rocking, it will help rock baby even lower, should help keep contractions coming, and should help make the pain more bearable
  • those contractions hurt I couldnt walk I felt like sqauting and pushing.
  • Yeah sitting on the toliet to pee was killing me
  • Im now at l&d on monitors praying that these contractions are changing my cervix!
  • Nope! No change wth! As baf as these things hurt i cant believe i havent changed :(
  • Aw im sorry hun. Are they going to keep you?
  • @Proudmommy8789 no they sent me home, its a military hospital and they are "to busy" this month and the nurse said well here a 3 isnt anything! Wth its something to me and my contractions never stopped till i was drained i finally fell asleep. Dr said im sure ill see you again this week or next you'll be ready.. Oh yeah really, glad you know.
  • :( I would be so pissed. Ive had that happen 3 times now... Eff that, I feel your pain
  • @sunshinelove yeah, i was REALLY pissed bc the nurses treated me like shit and really i stayed home for 2hours almost 3 and they never went away bounced on the ball, walked around, laid down and all positions they still came.. Today im so sore in my stomach and back from them its not even funny.. All i want to do is sleep..
  • It makes me so mad when I read these stories of people going through this and the nurses just ignore it is what out sound like and send you home. Did the contractions at least stop? Hope your not totally miserable
  • @jules i finally got back home and laid down and i was so worn out from the pain and not sleeping i finally fell asleep and they stopped when idk i was so ill.. But ohwel ill make it today i have been sleeping and thats it i dont even want to eat im not hungry and have had a few contractions. The nurse said do you know what your looking for and i was like what are you talking about, she said harder more frequent contractions! Wtf every 5 minutes for 3hours is frequent! Ughh i wanted to slap her old ass.
  • What how rude I was have been like why don't you tell me what I'm looking for and do your job and ill do my part lol
  • Thnx @Army_wife09 & @QweenNique !! I actually did something lastnight n o didn't bleed so idk if I should take that as good or bad bc bbys still n there lol a Lil contractions after but nothin worth goin in...Ima try again later hopefully it works this time
  • Good luck sweety. I am so thankful both pregnancies I never had to deal with military hospitals. Might not be so lucky next time because I am sure imma have to finally be exposed to a base eventually. Keep us posted!
  • Yay! At least you're getting close! I'm hoping for some good news at my appointment in the morning, but I have a feeling i'm gonna have to be induced... Keep us updated! (and don't be afraid to slap anybody! Lol hopefully the old lady won't be there when you go back
  • I feel bad for you other Mil wives.. We love our hospital (Brooke Army Medical Center in SA) My hubby had his surgery there last summer and it went amazing. The PA even ate lunch with me while I was waiting so I didnt have to worry alone. My prenatal has been wonderful except for one doc but that wasnt even horrible. And they are very open to what I want for labor.
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