nipple stimulation
Ok so I'm in the process (and have been for a week or so) of TRYING to help induce labour. I know its gonna come when it wants to but, no harm in trying as I'm already 4 days over. Well, I've got out the breast pump now and have been using it for 10min on each breast every 2hrs today. I'm not sure whether that's the best way?? Never tried nipple stimulation with a pump b4. Anyone else tried it and what did u do? Worked for anyone??? I've nothing else to try (bar castor oil! Ergh)
Has anyone tried pumping?
Kinda hoping someone's gonna tell me its gonna work lol ...yeah! Right :-) !
Use to watch it all time Joe watching body farm atm though x
@samiuk how's things today? No sign of u... that a good thing ;-) ??
@samiuk Haha that's where I went for my "birthing gown" aka cheap nightie lol. Well, that's it. You're prepared now... tonight it starts! :-) x