gallbladder attack!

edited August 2011 in Health
Unfourtanly im suffering with gall bladder issues..its so hard with a 6week old baby. partner is about as useful as a pushchair with no wheels!!! has anyone had there's removed? how long did it take to have operation? and how long was the healing process? please help as really need advice on this as its all new to me!


  • Not sure but I am bumping it. Good luck mama!
  • edited August 2011
    I've had issues with mine for a very long time. I'm 35wks prego and that is were my daughter decided her feet should kick the most is my gallbladder -_- I'm going to talk to my dr about having it removed at some point(after she's born of course). Not sure when as I've never had any type of surgery and it terrifies me to think of having one =p

    I think the heal (completely) time is about a month. Not sure though. I know my aunt was up and about and practically back to normal about 2 wks later.
  • I have not had mine removed personally but many family members have. My aunt was in the bed for about 3 days and had alot of pain, my bf had tons if constipation and did not work for a week. Not sure about what will happen with a newborn but you will not be able to bend alot and will need alot of help. I hope you get better soon.
  • I just had mine removed a month ago. Two weeks after I had my baby!! I think the surgery was about two hours. The healing process depends on the person. Mine was very fast. I started walking right away because my son was hospitalized the same day so I had to go see him. I had my surgery on Tuesday and by Sunday I was already in church. The stitches heal very fast and they are not do painful. The only bad part is that you have to be in a liquid diet.
  • edited August 2011
    Omg I hated those attacks. I had a few while I was pregnant, I thought they were contractions. Well went to ER because it happened more and i was 4weeks pp when I had the surgery. It took less than a week to feel normal again. Id say a hour or more for the process. Its much easier to recover from this surgery than the c section. It was a bit hard because I was recovering from both at the same time.if you do get your gallbladder removed, in the mean time stay away from fatty foods and oils. Those can trigger an attack if you didnt know already.also I didnt have stitches I glue on mine. Im glad because it wouldnt get infected as easy. Goodluck.

    @Lourdes26us1 I didnt have to be on a liquid diet. Right after they had me drink broth and eat yogurt but a couple hours later I was able to eat breakfast and solids.
  • I had my removed 2 weeks before my wedding.. I had pancratitus(sp?) So my ordeal was crazy long..

    The surgery was about an hour & 1/2 & after surgery I was in the hospital for a few days. At my wedding I was still told to take it easy..

    Your might be easier though because you don't have other things going on too.. its important to get it taken care of :/

    Sorry you partner is that useless!! He would need to be a lot of help for the surgery & stuff!
  • I had mine removed in December 2010 a month before I got pregnant, due to having gallstones that caused 2 REALLY bad gallstone attacks that literally took me to the floor in screaming pain.

    The surgery was not bad AT ALL, I was only in the hospital for a few hours and would have been out sooner if it wasn't for the extreme nausea the anestesia gave me and they kept giving me meds to help with it that kept knocking me out lol.

    Recovery was also not bad at all, I was up and walking the same day (not alot of course) and the pain in the incision sites is not bad at all. What was more painful to me was the pain you might get in your arm and shoulder from the gas they use to expand your belly. As the trapped gas is moving up in your body it can get painful. Don't listen to people saying you can't eat this or that after the surgery, my doctor said I could eat anything, and I did and everythng was fine and it did not upset my stomach. :) Of course you might just want to stick to light food and soups just to ease ur tummy but you don't have to. I was also back at work after a week I believe.

    So happy for no more gallstone attacks! But the only thing I'm hating are these scars :-( I have 4 and they dont seem to be going away...
  • The surgery was only about an hour and the recovery was about a week at home. It was out patients surgery and i got to go home as soon as i could go pee and keep jello down.
  • OUCH!!! That pain is worse than childbirth! !! I had mine out a few weeks after I had my 1st son...the hardest part was not being able to pick my baby up and take care of him afterwards! My mom had to do everything! Recovery wasn't long but ur body will be different and will take time to adjust ...I really had to watch what I ate/how much otherwise I was running to the bathroom allll the time! Immodium was my best friend for a while! Lol Good luck!!
  • @maymommy11, wow they had me on a clear liquids for about a week. The Dr. advised me to eat oil free foods for at least three weeks but I didn't listen and started eating everything. That would trigger a really bad pain and make me run to the bathroom. But everyone is different.
  • @Lourdes26us1 ya idk maybe drs do it differentlt. It seems like everything u eat lately makes me rub to the bathroom it sucks..
  • I had mine removed, surgery last hour tops and I went home 3 hours later, that night I went to a Xmas fair with the kids and was back at work full time 2 days later. X
  • Oh and pain went immediately. Pure bliss x
  • I had gallbladder attacks thru out the whole pregnancy but my doctor kept telling me it was false labor ..... then two weeks after I had my daughter which I had to have a c- section with I had to go into the ER for my gallbladder and they finally took it out... the day I got out of the hospital I came home and played games with my family in the backyard lol!!! I didn't think it was very painful at all and mine healed in about a week or two but it's different for everyone!!! Good luck :)
  • I had mine removed at 20 weeks pregnant they did it lapriscopicly it was easy to recover from as long as they don't have to do open surgery. you just can't pick anything up over 20 for 3 weeks but I highly recommend getting it out I've never felt better. Hope you start feeling better.
  • Thanks girls!! just waiting on blood tests and waiting for scan letter to come through now!!
  • edited August 2011
    @ethansmommy122 worse then childbirth huh? i should be good to go then lol. when i was having problems it was kind of like what ExcitedForOctober said... i would end up on the floor, in the fetal position bawling my eyes out cause of the pain. i kept going to the ER for it and they'd tell me it was heartburn and send me home... took them 4 months of me going through these attacks 2-3 times a week before they finally did an u/s on my gallbladder and found the problem :/

    @Emmalouise i had my gallbladder out back in oct 09 and the healing process was relatively quick. i do still have some issues with my stomach, but that's a welcome side effect imho... my hubby is the same way, he had his out about a month before i did and we both still have days where we end up spending most of the day running to the bathroom trying not to crap ourselves. lol sorry, tmi... but, like i said, after the pain of the gallbladder attacks...the poops are a welcome side effect. oh, and i understand the hubby not being useful thing... i was with my ex husband when i was having my problems. he thought i was faking and wouldn't take me to the ER when i needed to go so i usually ended up driving myself... took me having to get surgery before he'd take me seriously... even then i'm not sure he completely believed how severe the pain was...

    oh, and @ExcitedForOctober i hate to tell you hon, but i've had mine out for a good bit now and my scars never faded... the only one that isn't a dark purple and standing out is the one in my bellybutton... the one no one can see! lol its just something you'll have to get used to hon.
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  • Yes, please explain what it feels like. I think I'm having problems but my midwife says its probably gas. Mine starts between my shoulder blades then migrates to my rib cage and feels like my chest is closing in and hurts to breathe. It lasts about 10 minutes then just goes away.
  • I think I might have this please explain pain ... I had it tho pregnancy and still now only during night tho ... like a horrible pain Wer I need to go in to fetal position and until I let out gas sorry it feels I little relived but just starts bc up..also have solouther type tasteing burps... am waiting for u/s letter for appointment
  • edited September 2011
    Sry double post
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