36 weeks 4 days!! Had my Ultrasound!!!

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
Found out my lil man weights a little over 6 1/2 lbs today..I'm super excited because I hear all the time how small my belly looks.. Oct mommys how about u all how much is baby weighting??????


  • At 36wks 5days my not so lil man is weighing 7lbs 13oz!
  • 35 wks Dk how much it weighs was 4lbs 8oz at 32 week ultrasound.
  • my lil guys it about the same size give or take.. lol
  • 37+2 weighs 6lb 9oz
  • Mines a little thing 36+1 and 5.2 pounds.
  • My ultrasound was at 36 weeks, 6 days, and they estimated her at 6lbs, 9oz. I'll be 39 weeks on Friday, so I'm not sure what she is now.
  • Is the 36 week u/s one of the standard procedures through insurance? im 35 weeks and havent got to see my little one since 20 weeks. Blue cross blue shield are strict I guess :-/
  • @ Goddess I think it really just depends on your doc....
  • At 36 weeks my son weighed 6.4.

    Whenever I delivered he was 7.4 :)
  • edited September 2011
    I will be 38 weeks tomorrow, I had mine done at 37 weeks and she was 7 lbs.

    @Goddess The only reason I got one was because she was checking on my placenta...or else she wouldn't have done one. I don't think they're really 'standard'.
  • I dont get another ultrasound either. Last one was at 20w also other than my 3d I had at 30 weeks but I paid for it.
  • I'm 36 + 2 and I have to go next week for an ultrasound to check on his size. I asked a couple weeks ago if I get to see him again before he's born and she said not usually. But because she thinks he's big I get a peek!
  • My doctor has a purpose for each sonogram as long as you're a standard case: 12 weeks for measurements, between 18-20 for gender and either 36 or 37 weeks to check the baby's size and position for delivery.

    If you're high-risk, you'll have more.
  • I have an apt today but I don't think I get anymore u/s. :( and all I was told at 20 week u/s was he was in the 50%
  • I am 41 weeks and I am having a c-section on Tuesday : baby boy is 9.6 lbs ...
  • i had my appt yesterday :) 36 weeks 4 days, baby is 6lbs 9 oz, and im already 1 and a hlaf cm dialated, and effaced but no one could tell me how much, just that baby is so far head down it took an hour to get measurements of the head, and baby is measuring at 37 weeks :)
  • Ohhh ok, thank you guys.
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