exclusive pumping

edited September 2011 in Breastfeeding
Anybody else exclusively pumping??? If so how often?


  • I am! Every 3 to 4 hours..5 if I'm being lazy and I usually skip one during the night to try to sleep some. Its working so far, she's 7 weeks on Monday and I have 9 days worth of extra milk frozen for her :)
  • I plan too.
  • I did pump every time the baby eats iss what i was told. You will pump a lot. I used regular freezer bags they work just as well and cheaper
  • I was, then my supply started to drop. I was getting 3-4oz per breast every 3-4hrs then it dropped to 1 1/2oz per breast no matter how often I pumped. My LC said the pump I am using is a great pump but to exclusively pump effectively I'd need a hospital grade pump. (I have an Ameda purely yours ultra) so I went to bf with a little bit of supplementation (yesterday we had no formula! :-) ) and now we're getting the hang of it (he's 3 weeks old) so I'm trying to exclusively bf. Baby's a much better 'pump' than my $300 Ameda pump, and he was eating 4oz every 4hrs and he's usually content for 4 -4 1/2 hrs bf-ing.
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