mothers of more expirence. ADVICE!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im 16 and I have a serious question my daughter is 11 days old an shes super warm I took her temperature its 99.5 is she getting a fever please HELP..


  • Yes she is getting a fever u should take her to the doctor or a urgent care everytime my daughter gets that high I give her tylenol but she is not 11 days old she is 7 years old
  • Hey babe put a cold flannel on her face and behind her knees see if that cools if not take her doctors xxx
  • 100.4 is when you need to worry, call her pediatrician and let them know your concerns, and keep an eye on her, they will tell you if you need to come in
  • Open window and keep her cool keeping checking temp every 15 minutes and if it doesnt drop take her to hospital hope your little one is ok thou x
  • It depends on where you're taking her temperature. Orally, axillary or rectal because different locations have different readings. If you have internet access look up what normal & high temps are for each one & also the most accurate temperature reading you can get is a rectal reading.
  • Babies can't regulate their body temperature. They lose heat out of their extremities-hands, feet&head. Anything under 100.2 is considered normal, not to be too worried about. Babies can handle having higher body temps than adults can. Just uncover her if she's wrapped or covered in a blanket, turn a fan on low. If she doesn't cool down, wipe her down with a cool damp washcloth, if you have it, infants Tylenol too.
  • Id say infant tylenol and a call to your pediatrician, that's what they're there for.
  • Dont ever be afraid to call the doctor w questions! That's what they are there for :)
    Believe it it not by the end of the year you will know from your mommy instinct what temps are normal and when to call, administer medicine etc. Best of luck love! Xoxo
  • I gave my son baths when he started getting a fever it helped cool him down but he was 3 months old at the time.
  • Try not to bundle her up while she feels warm, it will make it worse....Leave her on a onesis til she kools off. maybe a bath will help her too.. Also, i heard on Dr OZ that temp is normal temp.. just give her bby tylenol.. If she starts havn other issues like.... diareah, vomiting, not eatn, fuzzy then its when I would worry...
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