Lauren Ava Foresee!!!!!!!!!!

edited October 2011 in Giving birth

Lauren Ava Foresee
born via emergency induction
6 lbs. 10 oz.
19 1/4 inches

She has been home a while, but wanted to finally share with everyone! :))))
I had to be medically induced due to complications with high blood pressure at 39 weeks and water breaking without contractions starting.
They started me off at 12p.m. with first dose of Cytotec and I was at 2 cm 30%
11 hours later and only 10 minutes of pushing she came out!!
I did get an epidural at 4cm.
I only needed 2 doses of Cytotec before my body took over by it's self! No Pitocin until delivering the placenta.
I was sooooo scared when they told me I had to be induced, but it went PERFECTLY!!!!!
Had 2 degree tear because she was sunny side up.

*** I would, however, look into the risks and benefits of Cytotec before choosing this drug for your own induction. I was not told it is not FDA approved. Having known that I would have opted out and gone with Cervidil****
Thank you everyone for your prayers through all the FFN scares and my pregnancy in general!! :))


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