laying down

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
They say to sleep on ur side well ok when I get up no matter what my vag feels like its trying to leave me from the pressure. It's bad enough I can't get comfie :(


  • Same here. I'm sick of it.
  • It's like come on November lol
  • @darknessofnight4u I feel your pain! I can't even roll over at night without feeling like I'm being stabbed in the cooch...
  • Man I had a kink in my neck this whole week plus baby girl inside me = worst week of sleep ever!!! I agree come on November!!!
  • I was turning over last night and Omg I'm about to sleep sitting up lol
  • Yeah I know what you mean I have been sleeping on my couch I hurt so bad when I sleep in my bed
  • last night i was tossing and turning all night i didnt even get to sleep after my hubbie left cause i get up with him and make him breakfast and lunch for work it took me like 3 hrs to fall asleep my sides hurt from laying on them too much and i have a bad talebone so it hurts too i want her out so i can sleep on my stomach
  • I agree with you @darknesofnight4u...I can't wait to sleep on my stomach!
  • I'm about to get a huge dough nut tube and put my belly in the middle and lay down
  • I wish my bed would turn me by it self! :-?
  • Now that's a great idea
  • So I found a comfie way to sleep for a little bit I do doggie but lay my upper body on my hubbie he's like I can barley breathe I'm lime ok thats me every day ok lol
  • Has anyone tried this .... mostly on ur side but a little on the side of ur tummy with that side leg bent up? Its pretty comfy.
  • That's how I lay and even w a few pillows too
  • Yeah I like a pillow under my bent leg and then hugging a pillow too. I was afraid everyone was gonna jump down my throat for sleeping like that. ( my sister did :-( )
  • Nope I mean there are only a few ways we can sleep lol I don't blame u :)
  • Omg I thought it was just me! Every time I turn over its like I'm being stabbed in the cooch n I can feel my baby turn with me he's so heavy!
  • Nope I've been sleeping less and less because of it but I'm glad I'm quiting my job and going back to school after she's born cause id never have time for sleep
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